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Semper Fidelis

We will embrace you in uniform today, we will embrace you without uniform tomorrow.  –  Josephus Daniels (U.S. Secretary of the Navy) to a group of woman Marines, 1919

Happy Birthday, Devil Dogs!  As I explained in my column of one year ago today,

On November 10th, 1775 the Second Continental Congress ordered Captain Samuel Nicholas to raise two battalions of marines, and he began that task by holding a recruitment meeting at Tun Tavern in Philadelphia.  The organization which resulted, the Continental Marines, was later reorganized into the United States Marine Corps, so Marines consider Tun Tavern to be the birthplace of the Corps and November 10th to be its birthday.

In that column I also explained that I’m very partial to military men in general and Marines in particular, and I mean that both personally and professionally; you’d be hard-pressed to find a proper whore who didn’t count military men as among our favorite customers, not only because of their dependability but because, as Amanda Brooks pointed out in a comment to last year’s column, “They’re respectful, condom-friendly, no-attitude and just terrific fun in bed.”

And that’s what makes the Bush administration’s anti-prostitution policy, foisted on the military under the excuse of “combating human trafficking” and continued by Obama, to be so deeply insulting.  It is nothing less than a vicious betrayal of a millennia-old relationship between two professions, a sacrifice of the needs and welfare of tens of thousands of men and women on the filthy altar of political correctness.  U.S. military personnel are now required to attend propaganda sessions full of lies, exaggerations, spurious associations and tortured logic in the hopes of tricking them into believing the prostitution equivalent of “Every time you masturbate, God kills a kitten.”  It’s unlikely these brainwashing programs are any more successful in the long run than any other neofeminist-approved mental-castration scheme, but even if they succeed in introducing guilt or doubt over a normal, healthy sexual activity and mutually-agreeable business transaction, that’s damage enough.

Besides last year’s column, I’ve touched on the interaction between whores and the military in a number of columns; this list includes previous instances where that interaction was less than ideal or even severely exploitative, including previous attempts by prudish military officials to restrict or abolish prostitution.

Ching Shih (March 18th, 2011)
Collaboration Horizontale (November 11th, 2011))
Dirty Whores (June 24th, 2011)
Honolulu Harlots (July 5th, 2011)
Japanese Prostitution (October 21st, 2010)
Meretrices and Prostibulae (November 3rd, 2010)
The Ouled Nail (September 11th, 2011)
A Pretty Girl is Like a Melody (Part Two) (September 5th, 2010)
Storyville (September 3rd, 2010)

I’m very pleased that, in the year since the last USMC birthday, a number of military men have discovered this blog and are numbered among my regular readers and commenters.  Hang in there, guys; don’t ever let the social engineers break your spirit, and know that the whores of the world appreciate you for being men and wouldn’t want you any other way.  And though your government has abandoned any concern for your sanity, self-esteem and sexual health, you may take comfort in the fact that ethical harlots remain, in our own unique way, always faithful.

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