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Black Hat, White Hat

Just your regular reminder that just because somebody opposes bad guys, doesn’t make them a good guy.  If anything, the baddies fight each other more than they fight the goodies, because the baddies are fighting for what they both want: power.  Power over you and me.  Power to control your choices, your body, your income, your work, your speech, your interactions with others.  Everyone who wants that is evil, even if one set of them happens to be on your side today.  There’s an old saying, “He who sups with the Devil should use a long spoon.”  But most modern people don’t get that; let a pig or politician say something they like against someone they hate, and suddenly that pig or politician is a goodie they’re not only happy to eat with, but to allow to cook for them.  And they don’t even count the spoons.  You know who killed more Nazis than anybody?  The Commies.  And they were doing it before the Nazis even came to power.  And predictable as fucking sunrise, in the middle of all this week’s anti-Nazi fervor, what did we see?  Historical ignoramuses claiming the Commies weren’t as bad as the Nazis, despite the fact that just Mao & Stalin combined murdered more than three times as many people as Hitler, and that’s not even counting the contributions of lesser luminaries like Pol Pot, Kim Il-sung and Fidel Castro.

Oh, and one more thing:  I’m really pleased to see so many people joining me in condemning fascism, as I have for decades.  Unfortunately, most moderns seem to think the term means something like “organized racism”.  It doesn’t; fascism has a specific meaning, namely rule by a coalition of political, corporate and military or paramilitary interests.  They also seem to think US fascism started with Donald Trump, which is patently absurd.  Here’s an excerpt from Dr. Lawrence Britt’s seminal article on the 14 defining characteristics of fascism; you’ll note that most of these describe American government as far back as the Reagan administration, and a few of them as far back as the FDR administration.

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