
Archive for March 25th, 2024

No Escape

Sure, give sexually-aggressive adult men total power over teenage girls; what could possibly go wrong?

A [screw] at a [Washington] juvenile [jail raped] a 15-year-old [prisoner] inside a [pigmobile]…Antwon Jones…[h]as [been] charged [with]…rape and fir[ed].  Jones was tasked with transporting the girl on Jan. 26 [for vaguely-described reasons, and quite predictably coerced]…her during transport [into submitting to rape].  The girl said she [was afraid to refuse him]…So…he…stopped the vehicle in a parking lot…[near] the [cage stack]…and…got into the back seat with…her…[but] after the [rape], Jones realized he had [idiotic]ally locked himself in the back of the vehicle with the girl, s[o he was trapped]…until [he was caught, though he tried to excuse himself with a dumbass tale about]…lock[ing] himself [in] while adjusting her handcuffs…

No Escape (#1340)

The people who actually need “correction” are the ones who enable this horror:

FBI agents…raided a federal women’s prison in California so plagued by sexual abuse it was known among [prisoner]s and [screw]s as the “rape club”.  The action coincided with the ouster of…Warden Art Dulgov — just a few months into his tenure — and three other top…[screws, due to their]…retaliation against a…[prisoner] who testified in January in a lawsuit…against the prison…The developments are just the latest twist in a years-long [parade of atrocities] surrounding the facility.  Since an FBI investigation was launched…in 2021, eight FCI Dublin [screw]s have been charged with sexually abusing inmates.  Five of them have pleaded guilty…and two have been convicted by juries…[the feds have now] appointed [a woman as] interim warden of Dublin…the fourth person to hold the office since [rapist warden Ray] Garcia was removed…[in a transparent attempt to convince the painfully-naive that everything will be better now]…the number of women who have come forward [as victims of rape, other] sexual abuse[,] and retaliation [at the prison]…has reached 63…

To Molest and Rape (#1366)

I doubt this will make much difference until cops’ power is severely curtailed:

A [typical and representative] Oklahoma [cop] convicted [on a federal civil rights charge resulting from the violent rape] of a woman during a traffic stop will become the first to face a heftier penalty under the 2022 reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act…Jeffrey Scott Smith Jr…is facing up to 40 years in prison after a jury found him guilty this week of [violently raping the woman and deactivating his body camera and dashboard camera to cover it up]…

If Men Were Angels (ROTW #3)

In addition to being a “pastor”, he’s also a wannabe cop.  Quelle surprise:

South Florida pastor…Monte Lavelle Chitty…was arrested…[for] rap[ing a 15-year-old girl who]…told deputies that “Chitty gave her alcohol that she thinks might have been ‘spiked’ with something else”…When she woke up, she found Chitty [rap]ing her…Chitty “was a registered volunteer with the Sheriff’s Office” [in addition to being] a pastor…

To Molest and Rape (ROTW #7)

Stories about child-molesting cops are often larded with obfuscatory language:

[A typical and representative] South Carolina [cop named]…David Lonny Geronimo Templet…[has been] charged with…[multiple] sex…[crimes against multiple children]…In July 2019…[he molested] an 11-year-old…[and] between July 2019 and September 2020, [he repeat]edly masturbated in the presence of two [other] children…

They’re also often really vague about the victims’ ages:

A…Missouri…[cop named] Johnathon…Taylor…was arrested…[for] the [repeated] sexual assault of [two] minor girls…beginning in 2017 [and continuing until at least 2022]…

To Molest and Rape (ROTW #7)

Give sexually-aggressive thugs power over teens; what could possibly go wrong?

An [Oklahoma cop assigned to spy on, harass, and intimidate students]…was arrested after [predictably raping a student]…James Matthew Waltman p[lied the girl with] alcohol to [facilitate the rape, and the article is heavily padded with clowns feigning surprise at this 100% predictable outcome]…

Even if they’re only part-time lurkers, that’s as much opportunity as they need:

[An Indiana cop named] Rico E. Butler[, who  was assigned to spy on, harass, and intimidate students part-time,] was charged on March 2 with…child seduction…for sexual abuse of…a…17-year-old…[since] September…Butler…has been [rewarded with a] paid [vacation]…


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