
Archive for December 27th, 2023

Diary #704

What a wonderful Christmas we had at Sunset!  Christmas of ’21 was the best I could remember until that time, but this one surpassed it in almost every way.  Though we didn’t have a white Christmas (it rained all day), we were snug and comfortable in the atrium, the first time we’ve used it for a family gathering like that; I woke up about an hour early (not unusual for me when I know there’s a busy day ahead) and started a fire so the area near the tree would be warm by late morning.  Everyone liked their presents, and though I had to go back to the kitchen a little after noon to get dinner started, most of my guests sat around the atrium stove, talking, listening to Christmas music, stoking the fire and basically making merry.  Even the dinner prepration went so smoothly that everything was ready right on time, and judging by the relative paucity of leftovers everyone really enjoyed the food!  Chekhov said it was the best Christmas he’d had in over a decade, and everyone else expressed similar sentiments; I was especially happy that my vision for the annex has come true, and I hope and pray to see many more good times there.

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