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Dracula vs. Throwback Thursday

I’m…reliably informed by “sex trafficking experts” that “mature” means “underage”, “downtown” means “suburbs”, and “no drama” means the escort and her “pimp” will entertain you with a performance of the climactic scene of Othello.
–  “Not Worth the Paper

A phrase used to mean everything means nothing at all, and a phrase that means nothing isn’t a useful term for serious adults; it’s a fad for the immature and silly.  –  “Meaningless

A society more concerned with…politicians’ language and manners than the fact that they are murdering their own people by the thousands, is long overdue for collapse.  –  “Overdue

Human opinions were never and are never monolithic across a society and era, no matter what authoritarians want you to believe.  –  “Monolith

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