
Archive for March 26th, 2024

Diary #717

On Sunday, I moved the pullets into their “playpen” in the henhouse, then cleaned up all their mess in the bathroom.  Of course I then had to check on them a number of times to make sure they knew where their food and water were, and that their pen was secure from intrusion by the adult hens.  I already “trafficked” the two remaining sapphire gems to the farm down the road last week, and none of the remaining ones are nearly as aggressive as they were; still, chickens are chickens so I still worry a bit.  The books say they’re able to maintain their body temperature pretty well by the end of two weeks, but I always wait three and give them a good heat lamp; still, I tend to fret enough that I felt the need to check on them before I go to bed the first night.  I needn’t have worried; when I went out there about 1 AM Sunday night/Monday morning, they were busily running around the pen rather than huddling together for warmth under the lamp, so it’s fine.  And the predicted lows every other night this week are higher than last night, so even better.  Still, it’s funny; after having them inside for three weeks, I’ve gotten so used to them that all day Sunday and yesterday I kept imagining that I heard them peeping.  Oh, and I think it’s obvious now that the little one is of a different breed, apparently a bantam breed.  Well, as long as she lays eggs I’m not concerned about it.

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