
Archive for April 16th, 2024

Diary #720

On Sunday, I opened up the nursery so the pullets could come out, and plugged their heat lamp into the timer so it only comes on at night. As usual, one of the adult hens barged in there pretty quickly to eat their food (as though they had none of their own), but while the pullets usually cower from the hen, this time one of them actually pecked her! I was not entirely surprised, because that same one has pecked at my hand nearly every day when I reach in to grab their food dispenser for cleaning and refilling. And in that same vein, within ten minutes they were venturing out, which is very unusual; typically, they huddle in the nursery for days despite the open door, only venturing out timidly after a week or so. And while I’m glad to see that they’re bolder now than most chickens, that means I’ll have to watch them next year to be sure they don’t aggressively pick on the new chicks as their sapphire gem predecessors did.

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