
Archive for March, 2024

Easter 2024

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No one should fear a knock at the door from police simply because of what the YouTube algorithm serves up.  –  Albert Fox-Cahn

Not So Different

Politicians can’t resist using popular web services to expand surveillance:

bill recently introduced in Colorado  aims to make dating apps such as Hinge and Bumble [worse] for users [under the pretext of “safety”].  The first section…would force all dating services with any users in Colorado to submit an annual report to Colorado’s attorney general about misconduct reports from users in the state or about users in the state…[or] the entire United States.  These reports would all become public…Scorned lovers, racists, incels, and others with hostile motives could file false reports and harm people’s job and dating prospects in the future.  And a report on a government website looks a lot more legitimate than someone mad on social media.  These reports might even lead to [cops harass]ing innocent users…

Permanent Record (#1275)

Teachers are supposed to be robots who have no lives outside of school:

Domonique Brown was a history teacher…in the Detroit area, but in her off hours…worked as an aspiring rapper named Drippin Honey…she was [fired] from her job…[because one single] parent complained that she was a “bad influence” on her students because she’s a rapper, despite being voted teacher of the month in December…the parent [was allowed to] remain…anonymous [after the drive-by character assassination,] and didn’t [even bother to] go into detail about what they found objectionable about her rapping…Brown said she plans to take legal action against the school…

Stalkers in Blue (#1313)

Even seemingly-consensual sex with a cop may actually be something else:

A [typical and representative FBI] agent…has been arrested for…secretly filming women [he had] sex [with] at his home in Tulsa, Oklahoma, with [cops] estimating there could be more than 80 victims.  Mark Allen Wells…stored the pornographic images and videos on his computer in neatly organized files.  Morgan Ballou, who dated Wells off and on between 2016 and 2022 said that he had shown her the library of nudes, at which point she contacted one of the women whose name showed up, his now ex-fiancé Savanna Smith…The pair went to the police [last] May…and…over the following months, more victims were identified.  His ex-wife came forward [to report] that he had secretly recorded her via a hidden camera on the bookshelf in one of their bedrooms.  It was also revealed that Wells…sent sexually explicit images of them to at least eight people…

Schadenfreude (#1376)

“Nonprofit” merely refers to the organization; those who run it often make plenty of profit:

…Candace Lierd is the founder and former CEO of a [Utah-based “rescue industry organization named]…Exitus…[who embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars] donated to the organization…she made false claims that she was a nurse or physician, [that she] had a position with the United Nations[,] and [that she had] founded several multimillion-dollar companies…Lierd has a stack of 42 charges filed against her…[most of which are] fraud[-related]…felonies…Exitus…did not renew its business license after it expired in 2022, but continued to seek donations on Facebook and Instagram….[with fantasies about fictional] orphan rescues in Europe…Exitus raised over $1,697,000 through [lies and fabric]ations…the[n used the] money…to buy a…new home[, a car for her son, and other things, but]…much of the money is still unaccounted for.

Micromanagement (#1381)

A “Tornado of Bad Ideas”:

In keeping with law enforcement’s grand tradition of taking antiquated, invasive, and oppressive technologies, making them digital, and then calling it innovation, police in the U.S. recently combined two existing dystopian technologies in a brand new way to violate civil liberties. A police force in California recently employed the new practice of taking a DNA sample from a crime scene, running this through a service provided by US company Parabon NanoLabs that guesses what the perpetrators face looked like, and plugging this rendered image into face recognition software to build a suspect list…scientists have affirmed that predicting face shapes—particularly from DNA samples—is not possible.  But this has not stopped…police [from] using DNA to create a hypothetical and not at all accurate face, then using that face as a clue on which to base investigations…Not only is this full dice-roll policing, it also threatens the rights, freedom, or even the life of whoever is unlucky enough to look a little bit like that artificial face

I Spy (#1385)

Curiosity offends the state, comrade:

Federal [spooks] have ordered Google to provide information on all viewers of select YouTube videos…the orders are unconstitutional because they threaten to turn innocent YouTube viewers into criminal suspects…Kentucky…cops sought to identify the individual behind the online moniker “elonmuskwhm”, who they suspect of selling bitcoin for cash, potentially [ope]ning [him up to persecution under] money laundering laws…In conversations with the user in early January [2023, spooks] sent links of YouTube tutorials for mapping via drones and augmented reality software, then [demand]ed Google [dox everyone] who…viewed the videos [that week by exposing]…the names, addresses, telephone numbers and user activity for all Google account users who accessed the…videos…and…the IP addresses of non-Google account owners who viewed the[m]…court records do not show whether or not Google [licked the boot that time]…

To Molest and Rape (ROTW #8)

Once a cop, always a cop:

[A retired] Utah [cop]…Sheriff’s Office administrator…[and] mental health counselor…[named] Mitchell McKee [has been] arrested…[for molesting] a teen[age boy].  The teen…told police he was abused by an adult man in exchange for vape pens…he is [considered dangerous because he is] a retired [cop who]…knows where…[his] victim lives…


I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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Back Issue #129

Laws which violate whores’ rights invariably violate everyone’s.
–  “Lack of Evidence (#311)

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You just go right ahead believing that the US military-industrial complex is so very concerned with commercial sex that it’s willing to spend considerable funds just to stop people from having it.  –  “Guinea Pigs

To [sex prohibitionists] trapped in this horrifying belief-system, all the women in the world are stuck in one immense elevator together and the whores are smoking, farting and pissing on the floor. – “Policing Womanhood

The idea that it’s “counterintuitive” that totalitarian government creates more problems than it solves is one that could only emerge from the mind of a statist who learned history from a pop-up book.  –  “Ceding Ground

The majority of cops, bureaucrats and other petty evildoers don’t see themselves as evil; they see themselves as just people doing a job.
–  “All the Quiet Sociopaths

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Artificial intelligence is not that intelligent.  –  Ella Dawson

Dirty Amateurs

Why are amateurs so damned averse to using condoms?

…Calmara claims to use AI to screen photos uploaded by users for STIs.  They want you to open their website, take a picture of your partner’s genitals before having sex, and upload it to their database so that a…[computer] can review it and scan for 10+ “conditions” including herpes, syphilis, and HPV.  Buried in the Q&A section…Calmara makes it clear-ish that they cannot actually diagnose anyone with any STI, the AI only “works” for penises, and you should really just go to a doctor for an accurate STI test.  But you wouldn’t glean any of that from their cocky Instagram or glossy imagery.  “No cap, just facts,” the copy reads beneath an illustration of a dancing robot.  “Up to 90% accuracy, our AI is grounded in real science.”  Uh… sure…the service is so misguided that it’s easy to dismiss it as satire.  But…Calmara is…not satire, and available to download right now…their…own fine print says, “These offerings should not be used as substitutes for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or management of any disease or condition.”  So what is this service for?  Literally why does it exist when it cannot provide the service it advertises?…

Moral Climate

Never make the mistake of thinking the current zeal for library censorship is limited to either the US or the so-called “right wing”:

Cathy Simpson, the CEO of the Niagara-on-the-Lake Public Library, [h]as [been] fired…[because the board dislikes a group she quoted in] an op-ed column published by The Lake Report.  The Feb. 22 opinion piece, “Censorship and what we are allowed to read”…drew strong criticism from a few…over its promotion of some of the principles espoused by the Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism (FAIR)…[regarding] “hidden library censorship,” which she said takes two forms — “the vigorous defence of books promoting diversity of identity, but little to no defence of books promoting diversity of viewpoint, and the purchase of books promoting ‘progressive’ ideas over ‘traditional’ ideas”…[library board chair Daryl Novak tacitly admitted that Simpson was fired purely due to the] content related to FAIR, [because] “the balance of (Simpson’s) article, you can’t really criticize”…

Censorship Ascendant

Censors are now pretending ideas they don’t like constitute a “crime”:

Police Scotland…will in[timid]ate actors and comedians if a…[wannabe censor points at them and croaks the magic words] “threatening and abusive” [because] under the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) [Law, the taboo magic] can be communicated “through public performance of a play”…the Assistant Chief Constable responsible for overseeing the implementation of the controversial legislation has [washed his hands of it] after just a year in the post…Police Scotland has [threaten]ed that it will investigate every [incident, no matter how trivial, reported as a “]hate crime[“]…despite the force adopting a “proportionate response” approach to [actual] crimes…there [h]as [been] an outcry from artists…[pointing out] that in the past shows ha[ve] been picketed by organisations trying to get them shut down and warn[ing] that “putting theatre in its own category makes it a target”…

I Can’t Breathe (#1329)

It’s about time cops stopped being allowed to cover up their murders so easily:

The Colorado Senate [has] pass[ed] legislation that would bar the term “excited delirium” from use by [cops and medical examiners.  If signed by]…Governor Jared Polis…it would bar the term [or any of its synonyms] from being used in [cop] training or incident reports, or from being listed as a cause of death on a death certificate…Prominent medical organizations have urged [cops and medical] professionals to not use the [pseudoscientific] term…[whose sole purpose is] to justify injury or death to individuals [attacked and restrained by] police…

Thought Control (#1345)

Some censors are so mentally ill they feel threatened by the sexuality of trees:

The Floyd County (Va.) Public Schools have suspended a…community reading of Katherine Applegate’s Wishtree following complaints that the middle-grade novel depicts a monoecious red oak, a tree with reproductive parts that can pollinate and flower simultaneously.  In the book, originally published in 2017, the tree claims an identity that is “both” female and male and responds to diverse pronouns:  “Call me she.  Call me he.  Anything will work”…[wannabe censor] Jodi Farmer…took to Facebook to [warn] Floyd County residents about the [terrifying] reference to…[vegetable biology], calling the book “indoctrination at its finest”…

Apparently, Farmer imagines these scary, scary words will bewitch her children into transkingdomism.

The Next Target (#1371)

Rather than actually filing a lawsuit against Mastercard for its discriminatory policies against sex workers (which would cost them actual money), ACLU prefers to Tweet, to dilly-dally with complaints to the FTC (a bureau of a government which actively persecutes sex workers and encourages corporations to do the same), and now to file a petition which I can’t imagine will prove to be any more effective than its other slacktivist efforts.  Given the wording of the petition and the website page it’s included in, this seems more like an exercise in virtue-signaling than an actual effort to right an injustice, but I reckon it can’t actually hurt you to sign it.

The Puritan Recrudescence (#1417)

Tennessee’s float in the current “monkey see, monkey do” parade will cost it millions every year:

A Tennessee bill would make it a felony for an adult content website to allow access to a minor without age verification…[bill sponsor] Becky Massey…[burbled a lot of nonsense about magic sex-ray emitting pictures, but didn’t publicize that her exercise in morality theater] will cost the state more than $4 million in the first year and then $2 million each year after that…


I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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Diary #717

On Sunday, I moved the pullets into their “playpen” in the henhouse, then cleaned up all their mess in the bathroom.  Of course I then had to check on them a number of times to make sure they knew where their food and water were, and that their pen was secure from intrusion by the adult hens.  I already “trafficked” the two remaining sapphire gems to the farm down the road last week, and none of the remaining ones are nearly as aggressive as they were; still, chickens are chickens so I still worry a bit.  The books say they’re able to maintain their body temperature pretty well by the end of two weeks, but I always wait three and give them a good heat lamp; still, I tend to fret enough that I felt the need to check on them before I go to bed the first night.  I needn’t have worried; when I went out there about 1 AM Sunday night/Monday morning, they were busily running around the pen rather than huddling together for warmth under the lamp, so it’s fine.  And the predicted lows every other night this week are higher than last night, so even better.  Still, it’s funny; after having them inside for three weeks, I’ve gotten so used to them that all day Sunday and yesterday I kept imagining that I heard them peeping.  Oh, and I think it’s obvious now that the little one is of a different breed, apparently a bantam breed.  Well, as long as she lays eggs I’m not concerned about it.

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No Escape

Sure, give sexually-aggressive adult men total power over teenage girls; what could possibly go wrong?

A [screw] at a [Washington] juvenile [jail raped] a 15-year-old [prisoner] inside a [pigmobile]…Antwon Jones…[h]as [been] charged [with]…rape and fir[ed].  Jones was tasked with transporting the girl on Jan. 26 [for vaguely-described reasons, and quite predictably coerced]…her during transport [into submitting to rape].  The girl said she [was afraid to refuse him]…So…he…stopped the vehicle in a parking lot…[near] the [cage stack]…and…got into the back seat with…her…[but] after the [rape], Jones realized he had [idiotic]ally locked himself in the back of the vehicle with the girl, s[o he was trapped]…until [he was caught, though he tried to excuse himself with a dumbass tale about]…lock[ing] himself [in] while adjusting her handcuffs…

No Escape (#1340)

The people who actually need “correction” are the ones who enable this horror:

FBI agents…raided a federal women’s prison in California so plagued by sexual abuse it was known among [prisoner]s and [screw]s as the “rape club”.  The action coincided with the ouster of…Warden Art Dulgov — just a few months into his tenure — and three other top…[screws, due to their]…retaliation against a…[prisoner] who testified in January in a lawsuit…against the prison…The developments are just the latest twist in a years-long [parade of atrocities] surrounding the facility.  Since an FBI investigation was launched…in 2021, eight FCI Dublin [screw]s have been charged with sexually abusing inmates.  Five of them have pleaded guilty…and two have been convicted by juries…[the feds have now] appointed [a woman as] interim warden of Dublin…the fourth person to hold the office since [rapist warden Ray] Garcia was removed…[in a transparent attempt to convince the painfully-naive that everything will be better now]…the number of women who have come forward [as victims of rape, other] sexual abuse[,] and retaliation [at the prison]…has reached 63…

To Molest and Rape (#1366)

I doubt this will make much difference until cops’ power is severely curtailed:

A [typical and representative] Oklahoma [cop] convicted [on a federal civil rights charge resulting from the violent rape] of a woman during a traffic stop will become the first to face a heftier penalty under the 2022 reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act…Jeffrey Scott Smith Jr…is facing up to 40 years in prison after a jury found him guilty this week of [violently raping the woman and deactivating his body camera and dashboard camera to cover it up]…

If Men Were Angels (ROTW #3)

In addition to being a “pastor”, he’s also a wannabe cop.  Quelle surprise:

South Florida pastor…Monte Lavelle Chitty…was arrested…[for] rap[ing a 15-year-old girl who]…told deputies that “Chitty gave her alcohol that she thinks might have been ‘spiked’ with something else”…When she woke up, she found Chitty [rap]ing her…Chitty “was a registered volunteer with the Sheriff’s Office” [in addition to being] a pastor…

To Molest and Rape (ROTW #7)

Stories about child-molesting cops are often larded with obfuscatory language:

[A typical and representative] South Carolina [cop named]…David Lonny Geronimo Templet…[has been] charged with…[multiple] sex…[crimes against multiple children]…In July 2019…[he molested] an 11-year-old…[and] between July 2019 and September 2020, [he repeat]edly masturbated in the presence of two [other] children…

They’re also often really vague about the victims’ ages:

A…Missouri…[cop named] Johnathon…Taylor…was arrested…[for] the [repeated] sexual assault of [two] minor girls…beginning in 2017 [and continuing until at least 2022]…

To Molest and Rape (ROTW #7)

Give sexually-aggressive thugs power over teens; what could possibly go wrong?

An [Oklahoma cop assigned to spy on, harass, and intimidate students]…was arrested after [predictably raping a student]…James Matthew Waltman p[lied the girl with] alcohol to [facilitate the rape, and the article is heavily padded with clowns feigning surprise at this 100% predictable outcome]…

Even if they’re only part-time lurkers, that’s as much opportunity as they need:

[An Indiana cop named] Rico E. Butler[, who  was assigned to spy on, harass, and intimidate students part-time,] was charged on March 2 with…child seduction…for sexual abuse of…a…17-year-old…[since] September…Butler…has been [rewarded with a] paid [vacation]…


I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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I don’t know what the solution is.  –  man who built tennis court on sand

It isn’t often that YouTube’s algorithms show me anything I want to see, but this was an exception:  my favorite living animator’s first student film, from 1999.  The links above it were provided by Mike Masnick, Jesse Walker, Clarissa, Franklin Harris, IncarcerNation, Phoenix Calida, and C.J. Ciaramella, in that order.

From the Archives

I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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Parents have the right to exercise their religious beliefs…but…not…in a manner that causes…harm to [their] child.  –  Indiana Court of Appeals

Monsters (#591) 

If you have to ask the State to compel your 16-year-old to submit to your control, you have already lost them regardless of what a court rules:

The Supreme Court declined to [intervene in the case of] an Indiana couple who believe [young adults are “]children[” who] should be [tortured for not conforming to] their sex at birth [and therefore] lost custody of their [16-year-old] transgender [daughter]…The state said the parents, who are self-described devout Christians, lost custody not because of their views but because…the[ir unceasing abuse]…of…the teen…[was causing a] severe eating disorder…Indiana also argued that the custody dispute is [moot] because the teen, who was 16 when removed from the home, is now an adult…Mary and Jeremy Cox re[peatedly portrayed themselves as champions of “]parental rights[” despite the fact]…that the State…remove[d]…the teen…[because] the parents…verbally and emotionally abus[ed her]…and [would not relent despite] individual and family therapy…[and court orders] not to discuss transgenderism with their [daughter] outside of the therapy sessions…The Indiana Court of Appeals sided with the state, and the Indiana Supreme Court declined to review the case…

To Molest and Rape (#1088)

The Washington Post has “discovered” something I’ve been writing about for over a decade:

Americans have been forced to reckon with sexual misconduct committed by teachers, clergy, coaches and others with access to and authority over children [and adolescents].  But there is [widespread denial] of…sex crimes perpetrated by members of another profession that many children are taught to revere and obey: law enforcement…At least 1,800 state and local police officers were charged with crimes involving child sexual abuse from 2005 through 2022…[and] were rarely related to the children [or adolescents] they…rap[ed], fondl[ed,] and exploit[ed].  They most frequently targeted girls…13 to 15 years old — and regularly met their victims through their jobs…In case after case, [rapist cops] intentionally earned the trust of parents and guardians, created opportunities to get kids alone and threatened repercussions for broken silence…and…when abuse is suspected, [rapist cops] are [either] allowed to remain on the job [or rewarded with paid vacations] while investigations of their behavior are left in the hands of their c[ronies]…

The Cop Myth (#1297)

How long will America ignore the costs of its sick worship of state-sanctioned violence?

For decades, we’ve been [s]old [the lie that cops] just need training and resources to do their jobs correctly…cultural sensitivity training, implicit bias training, de-escalation training, and so on, cost billions every year…But [the evidence clearly demonstrates]…that no amount of training or resources will stop police from killing…or…ensure that police treat people with dignity and respect.  Worse still, the “training” that cops already receive often glorifies violence, reinforces racist ideas, and is taught by [cops] with histories of misconduct…at least 46 states have paid a…company…which does business under the name “Street Cop”—to fill [cop]s’ heads with hateful rhetoric and bad legal advice…trainers urge…[their fellow pigs] to make unconstitutional traffic stops and indiscriminately shoot at those who defy their authority…[and feed] trainees a steady diet of racism and misogyny…[one] advised [pigs] to treat criminal suspects like “live tissue labs” to “practice on”…When Street Cop’s instructors weren’t too busy talking about their penis sizes or mimicking masturbation (yes, really), they were promoting a…checklist…riddled with legal inaccuracies about what is needed to justify a traffic stop or search…

The Vultures Descend (#1381)

Prohibition can never succeed, regardless of which substance is prohibited:

The Oklahoma House of Representatives [has] passed a bill Thursday that bans the…possession of non-prescribed abortion inducing medications…since all of the surgical abortion clinics in the state have [been] closed…there has been an increase in unattended at-home [chem]ically induced abortions…and [politicians are butthurt that]…someone can simply buy the pill, take it, and terminate their pregnancy for any reason [without having to beg The Almighty State for permission]…

The Puritan Recrudescence (#1391)

Indiana’s float in the “monkey see, monkey do” parade took a few months to get rolling:

Indiana…governor…Eric Holcomb…has signed into law the state’s version of the age verification bills being sponsored around the country by [pro-censorship] activists…SB 17…goes far beyond [other such laws by]…stipulat[ing] that any website [which fails to guess what some politician or wannabe censor will point at and barf]… “material harmful to minors”…can [be subjected to a nuisance lawsuit by either opportunistic citizens or opportunistic politicians]…

The Puritan Recrudescence (#1400)

The currently-fashionable “monkey see, monkey do” parade has escaped the US:

…a private member’s bill introduced by Senator Julie Miville-Dechêne…aims to…requir[e] people to use a third-party service to verify their age to access adult content online in Canada…Proponents of the bill [speciously argue] that…the…[internet is a bar]…but we’re not talking about controlling access to a physical space or object.  It’s access to ideas, to data…and to intercept specific ideas, you need to control access to all ideas…

That’s just about everything worthwhile about this piece; the writer’s naive and somewhat-silly opinions about politicians’ motivations and why surveillance and infantilization of adults are wrong (synopsis: TITTIES!) are good indicators of why this keeps happening and why there isn’t a vehement public outcry against these internet-censorship schemes.

The Cop Myth (#1422)

Sleeping with a cop is one of the most dangerous things a woman can do:

…Bellingham [Washington cop] Joshua Richard McKissick…was ordered Feb. 26 to surrender all firearms and other dangerous weapons and any concealed pistol licenses to the Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office.  An emergency domestic violence protection order was also issued the same day…[on behalf of] McKissick]’s girlfriend] and her two children…because…McKissick subjected her to a “significant amount” of [physical, sexual, and] emotional abuse in 2022[, often while drunk]…


I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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