
Archive for the ‘The Dark Side’ Category

One of the most terrifying [tools of state control works] by redefining behaviors once considered “vices”, “crimes” or “moral turpitude” into “public health issues”, allowing religious fanatics to don the white coats of doctors and disguise their Puritanism as something akin to epidemiology.  –  “Morality Lessons

Th[is badge-licking reporter tried] to make an act of barbaric violence sound like a visit to a thrift store.  –  “Bullies With Badges (#730)

Thinking for yourself and trusting your own experiences rather than what “authorities” tell you leads to a much fuller, more rewarding life.  –  “Guilt-free

In general, the more an escort charges, the less sex she has and the more talking she does.  –  “Talkers

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You just go right ahead believing that the US military-industrial complex is so very concerned with commercial sex that it’s willing to spend considerable funds just to stop people from having it.  –  “Guinea Pigs

To [sex prohibitionists] trapped in this horrifying belief-system, all the women in the world are stuck in one immense elevator together and the whores are smoking, farting and pissing on the floor. – “Policing Womanhood

The idea that it’s “counterintuitive” that totalitarian government creates more problems than it solves is one that could only emerge from the mind of a statist who learned history from a pop-up book.  –  “Ceding Ground

The majority of cops, bureaucrats and other petty evildoers don’t see themselves as evil; they see themselves as just people doing a job.
–  “All the Quiet Sociopaths

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License to Rape

Prohibition turns the body of every citizen into a “crime scene”, which can be violated by cops at will:

Pennsylvania [cops] have reached a settlement with a woman who [was subjected to] an unnecessary and humiliating strip-search after she was pulled over for a minor traffic violation…by [lying rapist] Brian Rousseau…he [and another male cop threatened and coerced her into “]consent[ing”] to [a] search [of] her vehicle…but [they] found no sign of drugs, illegal weapons, or other [excuse they could use to molest her].  However, that wasn’t enough for the[m to get their jollies, so they called] a female [cop to molest her.  But when]…Elish [told the female cop] that she didn’t know [why they were targeting her]…the female [cop refused to actually root around in her vagina and anus, disappointing]…Rousseau…[who then decided to ticket] Elish…for driving five miles per hour over the speed limit.  That…was dropped…when Rousseau failed to appear at the hearing…

If Men Were Angels

A [Catholic] priest [named Fernando Gonzalez Ortega]…has been arrested [in Brownsville, Texas] for multiple sex-trafficking charges and…continuous sexual abuse of a child…

To Molest and Rape (#1280)

Chicago originally hid this costumed rapist’s picture:

A [typical and representative] Chicago [cop skated with a mere]…year in federal prison…for the [rape]…of a transgender woman in..his [pigmobile after threatening her with arrest]…James Sajdak…[raped the sex worker] on March 5, 2019.  He had originally faced up to life behind bars…but under [a cushy, cops-only] plea agreement with prosecutors, the sentence was capped at 12 months…Sajdak…[wept crocofile tears and made excuses in a transparent bid for sympathy]…Sajdak…[us]ed his [pigmobile] sirens [and magic clown costume to intimidate]…the victim…into [submitting to rape]…biting [her in the process] and [then throwing a few bucks at her so if he got caught he could claim it was a business transaction rather than a rape]…Sajdak had been recommended for firing more than 20 years ago [for theatening a parolee with] bogus drug charges…[then] in…2013…he and [his gang] se[xually assaulted]…a woman [under the pretext of a “]search[“]…

No Escape

This guy must be well-connected for the Big Pigs to pay attention to his girlfriend’s report:

A [typical and representative Texas screw named]…James Gray…[has been] arrest[ed]…for…[sexually] assaulting…[a prisoner who was not identified, though her boyfriend’s name is] Randall Vradenburg…He said she called him on [February 23rd] to tell him what happened…and…[the] hands[y screw was arrested and apparently sacked within days]…

To Molest and Rape (#1418)

Cops should not be allowed anywhere near legal minors:

[Typical and representative Oklahoma cop] Brandon LeDoux…face[s] felony charges…[for molesting a teenage girl,] attempt[ing] to [undress her, and]…showing [her porn]…on his smartphone [in what appears to be a clumsy attempt to seduce her]…

And it’s rare that they’re caught after only one victim:

A [typical and representative Missouri cop has been charged with]…additional sex crimes [after two more victims came forward]…Justin Durham…[was first] indicted…in September on charges of rape, sodomy, child pornography possession and sexual trafficking of a child…[then] a federal grand jury…indicted [him] in October on federal…child pornography [charges]…

To Molest and Rape (#1419)

Give sexually-aggressive thugs power over teens; what could possibly go wrong?

A [typical and representative] Yakima [Washington cop assigned to spy on, harass, and intimidate students] is now facing charges for a sexual relationship with a teen girl and for raping her drunk friend…Elias Huizar…got a protection order against the then 13-year-old girl after she allegedly told others they had a sexual relationship…and [contacted] his wife…[who]…divorce[d him later that year]…Huizar…re[-established contact with the girl in] 2022 when she was 15…she soon became pregnant, and their baby was born [last] April…She [then] started living with him and [is now] 17…on Feb. 2…[she was] drinking…[with a] younger girl [who got so drunk she] felt sick…Both were…asleep when Huizar’s girlfriend woke to find Huizar [rap]ing her friend…

UPDATE: It rapidly got much, much worse.

When will people get tired of sacrificing their daughters to the cop cult?

A [Pennsylvania cop assigned to spy on, harass, and intimidate students] was arrested on [February 13th] for [repeat]edly [moles]ting a student.  Jordan Jones..[wa]s charged…[after the girl] disclosed to a counselor that…Jones [had groomed and molested her]…

It’s rare they’re caught before they successfully molest any students, but the nauseating excuse-making in this story is not rare:

[Omar Connor, a cop paid to spy on, harass, and intimidate students] in Groton, Massachusetts, has been fired…[because] he harassed students and staff, including asking one student if she wanted to come to his house to have sex…[but dopey reporters seem to consider his cop shop’s claims about his “popularity” more credible than the statements of] students and [staff he harassed because one] parent…[claimed she] “Never…hear[d] anything bad about him, ever”…


I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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We should be perfectly clear about the ultimate goal of Axon, its network, and the people behind The Fall of Minneapolis: They want to make it easier for police to kill people without consequence.  –  Radley Balko

Regular readers of this blog need no introduction to Radley Balko; in fact, many of my longest-term readers were introduced to me via a guest-blogging stint on his old blog, The Agitator, in July of 2012.  If you are unfamiliar with his work, let me simply say that he is quite possibly the greatest living criminal justice journalist, and that is neither hyperbole nor flattery.  His thoroughness and dedication are truly awe-inspiring, and I couldn’t be as fair and measured as he is when discussing horrifying injustices and nauseating atrocities if there were 10 million bucks riding on it.  His latest project is a massive three-part debunking of copsucking authoritarians’ ongoing “effort to retroactively justify Derek Chauvin’s murder of George Floyd“, and the third part includes a section on “excited delirium”, a fictional syndrome used to exonerate cops from culpability when they asphyxiate black people with their shockingly-brutal and sadistically thuggish arrest tactics.  I’ve been paying attention to this peudoscientific claptrap for some time now, so given what I already know about “NHI” and sex workers being among the police state’s perenial guinea pigs for new evils, this probably shouldn’t have surprised me:

Excited delirium…posits that some people just spontaneously die during intense, high-stress interactions with police, through no fault of law enforcement.  It’s…highly dubious and not supported by any major medical organization.  Over the last several decades, there’s been a concerted effort to pressure medical examiners to diagnose excited delirium when the real cause of death was positional asphyxia.  This not only exonerates cops who kill, it encourages police practices that will lead to more deaths…The origin of excited delirium is shonky and steeped in bigotry…it…was first described in the mid-1980s by Miami medical examiner Charles Wetli after a wave of black sex workers were found dead under mysterious circumstances.  Because some of the women had cocaine in their system, Wetli theorized that there must be something about the physiology of black women that causes them to spontaneously die after mixing cocaine with sex.  Despite the absurdity of Wetli’s theory, it precluded homicide as a manner of death, which made it much more difficult for police to investigate the possible murders.  It wasn’t until a victim was found in a similar state as the other bodies, but had no cocaine in her system, that the city’s chief medical examiner reviewed the…other cases…[and] found evidence of asphyxiation that Wetli had overlooked.  Police eventually arrested a serial killer named Charles Henry Williams for the murders…

…The Miami debacle should have been an embarrassment that ended Wetli’s career.  It did not.  The controversy isn’t even mentioned in his fairly long New York Times obituary.  Instead, he failed upward, becoming the chief medical examiner in Suffolk, County, New York…[where he] continued to develop his theory in ways that proved convenient for law enforcement.  He expanded excited delirium to also include black men, particularly those who die in police custody.  “Seventy percent of people dying of coke-induced delirium are black males, even though most users are white,” he once said.  Instead of concluding that perhaps this was because police were more likely to use excessive force against black men, Wetli added, “It may be genetic”…Wetli’s work eventually landed him a lucrative side gig with Axon International, the company that makes the Taser (formerly known as Taser International), who began to pay Wetli to testify as an expert witness at the trials of police officers accused of brutality…

There’s a great deal more; this is just a small sample.  Jesse Walker suggested that the best way to read the piece is to start with part three, covering the big picture, following links back to the first two parts as you go; that seems wise to me, given the depth and density of the piece,  But however you read it, read it you should.  And if you aren’t already following Radley’s work, you really need to correct that.


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People might [not] be sick of book bannings, but are they sick of having their money wasted?  –  anonymous Texas teacher

The Red Umbrella 

As long as sex work is marginalized, sex workers will be targeted for violence:

Non-[Irish] sex workers were targeted by a recent scam where a person or people pretended to work for a major advertising website and asked them to provide personal information…[when] the workers did not realise it was a scam and replied to the messages…a number of them were…threatened with physical or sexual violence.  Linda Kavanagh…[of] SWAI…said non-national sex workers were deliberately targeted…She said m[ost] workers don’t report threats, or actual assaults, to gardaí because they…[reasonably] fear they’re going to be blamed for the work that they do…

Panopticon (#1277)

Cops use their panopticon exactly as EFF predicted they would:

In 2022, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed an ordinance that would allow the city’s police…to access footage from private security cameras [as long as they could invent a credible-sounding excuse]…the SFPD [is required to] compile quarterly reports detailing how many times it [abused the privilege]…The report released in January shows that in the third quarter of 2023…[64 pigs] spent a collective 193 hours and 19 minutes [rooting through] live surveillance footage…Police made 49 arrests as a result of surveillance, of which 42 were for narcotics…[only] four were for “theft/larceny,” and one was for [contempt of cop]…all of the r[oot-f]ests [centered on] just five [neighborhoods, one of them the Tenderloin]…the longest [root]ing session was during the Outside Lands Music Festival in August in Golden Gate Park, when [pigs rooted through] 42 total hours of live footage…in [defense of this creepy spying, the]…District Attorney…b[elch]ed [out] the [word]…”fentanyl”…San Francisco is [also]…rolling out new traffic cameras, which are more effective at filling government coffers than preventing traffic fatalities…

The Last Shall Be First (#1351) 

The time, money, and energy Americans are flushing down the “culture war” toilet is incalculable:

[Murfreesboro] Tennessee…must pay $500,000 as part of a settlement with the American Civil Liberties Union and other groups over an ordinance designed to ban drag performances…Last year, the Tennessee Equality Project…filed a federal lawsuit after leaders announced they would no longer be approving any event permit requests submitted by the organization…[due to what politicians absurdly labeled] “illegal sexualization of kids”…the city not only vowed to deny TEP permits but also decided later to update its “community decency standards”…to [include merely being gay as]…“obscene or harmful to minors”…Under the [settl]ement, the city…[mus]t also…repeal the ordinance and process any upcoming event permit applications submitted by TEP…

Thought Control (#1376)

Texas’ ice-pick self-lobotomization is becoming increasingly spasmodic:

In November…Conroe…Texas public school [board members]…decided…to g[ive themselves]…final say of what [books are] in libraries and classrooms….[since then] books are being removed to meet the preferences of individual board members, parents or other individuals through “internal review”…one teacher says…thousands of books from…classroom collections [were seized by] the district.  At the teacher’s school alone, over 550 books, equivalent to more than $7,300 were packed and moved out of…[class]rooms…over 30 library titles have been banned…[and] another ten books [are likely to follow]…later this month.  Within the past two school years, at least 125 of all the titles banned from the district libraries came from internal reviews…112 books have been prohibited from being on classroom shelves…last week, [one self-appointed censor demanded the removal of]…Special Topics in Calamity Physics by Marisha Pessl, Geography Club by Brent Hartinger, Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok, American Girls by Alison Umminger and Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson…When [a] teacher asked what administrators…planned to do with the [seized] titles, [she]…was told…the books would await “disposal”…

Thought Control (#1389)

Too bad all authoritarian organizations aren’t so short-lived:

…Moms for Liberty experienced a meteoric rise at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, as local chapters sprang up to push back against coronavirus restrictions in schools.  The organization soon expanded to pushing book bans and o[ther censorship]…But…the local chapter in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, [has] shut down due to lack of interest…[and] participation also appears to be flagging for…the…organization’s first chapter…in…Brevard County [Florida; at a]…school board…meeting…to discuss a[n attempt to censor]…The Kite Runner and Slaughterhouse-Five…only one Moms for Liberty member showed up…and eventually snuck out of the room [when speakers compared the pro-censorship cult to the Taliban]…The national…organization…has started to see its [15 minutes ending]…as the group was rocked by a sexual assault scandal

The Puritan Recrudescence (#1409)

Censorious politicians are vying to see who can make their new laws the most unconstitutional:

The U.S. Congress’ top anti-porn crusader, Utah Senator Mike Lee, [has] introduced a bill last week that would effectively outlaw all sex work…by classifying any consent influenced by a person’s economic circumstances as coercive…“This is, of course, the dream of the faith based ‘anti-trafficking’ folks — and SWERFs — who believe that no true consent can exist for sex work when money is involved,” [the Free Speech Coalition’s Mike] Stabile added. “It would essentially codify their white slavery panic into law”…

This warped attempt to infantilize women has been part of evangelical feminist dogma for some time, despite its self-evident absurdity.

The Last Shall Be First (#1410)

How defective does an adult need to be to think doing this to a teenager is OK?

A Utah school board member caused a social media firestorm when she publicly singled out and suggested a high school athlete was transgender with no evidence.  She later [uselessly] apologized…[long after her flying monkeys had] personally attacked the player, the student’s school district had to provide extra security for her, and the [politician] who wrote the state’s anti-transgender athlete bill [vomited out her own stupid opinion]…in violation of her own [law].  The post from Natalie Cline…set…off 16 hours of hateful speculation that continued even after she deleted it…


I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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Who but a government functionary would see nothing wrong with calling a two-week period a “day”?
–  “Vendetta (#512)

Like Biblical literalists searching for the remains of Noah’s Ark [“sex trafficking” fetishists] continue their quixotic crusades to find victims and “pimps”, and they’re never daunted by the fact that the few who turn up aren’t actually very much like the characters in their scriptures.  –  “Phantasm

Until mainstream feminism starts calling for decrim – not Swedish model or other BS falsely represented as decrim – they can fuck themselves.  –  “Beck and Call

I think the naive and idealistic idea of sex as an actual good is just as harmful, and causes nearly as much societal ill, as the primitive and warped notion that it’s an active evil.  –  “Sex Neutral

You cannot exorcise…thoughts which haunt you by repeating them endlessly in public as though they were real, demanding that others join you in these fantasies against their consent, and providing the police state with new excuses to oppress people based on your sexual fantasies.  –  “Can We Talk?

One would have to contort one’s brain in a manner worthy of a Cirque du Soleil performance to ignore the facts that cops more heavily patrol poor and minority neighborhoods and actively look for people to arrest.  –  “As Always

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A…large…fraction of the violence committed against sex workers is committed directly by armed agents of the state, often though not always under the excuse of “gathering evidence” for our “crime” of having impure thoughts about otherwise-legal sex.

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Long-time readers know that during the holiday season, regular features often move around, appearing on different days than they usually do.  This is just a Throwback Thursday column, appearing early because after this week every day was spoken for by another feature; obviously I couldn’t give it a “Throwback Thursday” name, so I just used a Monkees reference instead.

I’m not sure which are more pathetic:  the poor saps who think they’re going to get artificial, programmable whores in the next few years, or the sociopathic control freaks who want to use violence to stop them from diddling with dolls in private.
–  “The Pygmalion Fallacy (#596)

The real “message” sent by the very existence of prohibitionist laws [is]: we own you and millions of others, and we can dispose of you at a whim.  –  “Sending Messages

Life is not merely a synonym for “biological existence”, and there are many things which have nothing to do with maintaining biochemical processes, yet are necessary for a life that isn’t low-level torture.  –  “No Need?

Th[e anti-sexworker] jihad is no more “well-meaning” than the Drug War, alcohol Prohibition, Jim Crow or any other campaign of government violence against individuals and civil rights; it is a well-planned and well-funded program of terrorism designed to punish sexual behavior authoritarians have deemed deviant, and to break the spine of the greatest tool for the facilitation of free thought ever developed by the human race.  –  “Malice Aforethought

Once I lost the ability to believe in childish fantasies, all of the childish fantasies – including the ones most adults still cling to –  went down in flames.
–  “I Believe in Father Christmas

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The lurid, sensationalized tragedy porn narratives that make up the body of “sex trafficking” mythology are nothing more than Gothic horror tales that opportunists pretend are real.  –  “Unreal Horrors

Every…sex-work[er]…has had clients fall for her; it’s a natural outgrowth of a situation in which a lonely man spends a lot of time in the company of a beautiful, alluring woman who only shows him her best side.  –  “Out of Bounds

You are going to die.  Soon.  And there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.  –  “Thanatopsis

Sex and death are but two sides of the same coin:  the former is the door through which we enter the world, and the latter the door through which we leave it.  –  “Eros and Thanatos

That experience of being a stranger in one’s own community, of being treated like a living oracle, like a weird visitor back from the underworld with divine wisdom to share…that, I think, is the experience which defines the old.
–  “Let There Be Dark

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Is there anything you wouldn’t do to save a child?  –  Tim Ballard

Buried Truth

Yet another example of McNeill’s Law:

A[n Indiana] man [named Eldon W. Phelps has been]…arrest[ed for]…possession of child pornography…[after NCMEC reported he had] an image of a [prepubescent] girl [being raped by] an adult male…[when interrogated,] Phelps told police…they would find more [of the same]…on his desktop computer…Phelps [h]as a…[history of vomiting ugly rhetoric against “pedophiles” on Twitter]…

Joey the Player

A rare case of “authorities” actually doing something about a serial rapist of sex workers:

Jose Torres…was convicted of…four counts of [“persuading women to travel interstate to engage in prostitution”]…From May 2015 to October 2019, Torres persuaded, induced and enticed…sex workers…to travel [to New Jersey]…to [see him as a client, specifically]…target[ing] out-of-state sex workers…with promises of large sums of payment.  Once the women were in New Jersey, Torres refused to pay them…[and] became aggressive, often assaulting and raping them.  Each charge of coercion and enticement carries a maximum term of 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000.  Sentencing is scheduled for Feb. 27, 2024…

Rape is not a federal offense, but Mann Act violations are.  At least this shitty law was used against an actual violent criminal for a change, but…

To Molest and Rape (#1338)

Give sexually-aggressive thugs power over teen girls; what could possibly go wrong?

…no charges will be filed against a[n Ohio cop assigned to spy on, harass, and intimidate students]…for [grooming and molesting] a female student…at the high school…[he was assigned to lurk in.  His behavior made his] wife…[suspicious so she rooted in his] phone…and [found]…a number of…lengthy…late…night [calls with the girl, plus]…messages [that were] “personal in nature and clearly unrelated to school business…a dozen or more times a day…many messages [were] sexual in nature including specific requests for sex”…the student…in[sists] “no sexual conduct beyond touching and kissing took place”…last month, [Bernhardt stalked her]…even though he’d been warned not to have contact with her…

When Ambulance-Chasers Run the Hospitals

Governments will keep uing civil suits to circumvent due process until the practice is declared unconstitutional:

The state of Utah [has] filed a lawsuit against TikTok…for [magical]ly harming the mental health of children and teens, following in the footsteps of states like Arkansas and Indiana…The new lawsuit accuses TikTok of leveraging “[magica]l algorithms and m[ind-control] design features” to entice young users to use the app [in] violation of the state’s consumer protection laws…

The Puritan Recrudescence (#1371)

Politicians don’t even try to make their new laws Constitutional any more:

[An] Ohio [politician named Steve Demetriou has] introduced an age verification bill called the “Innocence Act,” which…could make posting any nude image online without verifying age a felony…and would [criminalize] anyone under the age of 18 [who views] sexually explicit content.”  Demetriou…claim[s] that unspecified studies have shown that “pornography is a pathway to mental health issues for children and can be a precursor to sexual aggression”…[and absurdly belched out the phrase] “human trafficking” [for extra hysteria value]…

Served Cold (#1375)

Ballard’s house of marked cards is collapsing:

[Fiv]e women [have] filed a lawsuit against Tim Ballard…for…abuse…[of] the Couples Ruse…in which a woman would accompany Ballard pretending to be his wife or girlfriend…Ballard would tell the women it was necessary to continue the ruse even while at private accommodations because [magical ninja] traffickers could be surveilling them[, presumably via psychic powers or invisibility,] at any moment…even though the accommodations were always at designated “safe houses”…Ballard [demanded sex]…in [order] to have “real chemistry” because…traffickers would be [magically] able to determine…if they were actually involved or not [via magic spells]…He frequently asked women to practice…before a mission ever took place…through a number of different sexual activities…and…at…strip clubs…Ballard believed he could “talk to the dead prophet Nephi and issue forth prophecies about Ballard’s greatness and future as…President of the United States, and ultimately the Mormon Prophet, to usher in the second coming of Jesus Christ”…

Y’all may remember that I’ve repeatedly described Ballard as a megalomaniac.

To Molest and Rape (#1379)

Cops should not be allowed anywhere near legal minors:

Arkansas State Police arrested [a cop named] Roy E. Mitchell…[for] sexual assault [against a minor]…following a call [made by some unnamed party] to the…Crimes Against Children Division Hotline…


I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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