
Posts Tagged ‘Illinois’

The procurement of health insurance is not a mandatory religious ritual.  –  Judge Leanna K. Weissmann

The Punitive Mindset (#838) 

We need a class-action suit for booksellers affected by these evil policies:

A Georgia jail is refusing all books shipped to inmates, except those that come from major retailers.  One local bookshop is suing…[over the] unconstitutional…policy[, which is excused by having cops barf out the magic word]…”contraband”…prison officials [all over the US pretend] that inmates receive shipments of paper that has been soaked in drugs…[when in reality, it is well-known that drugs in prisons are smuggled in by screws]…Jeffrey Singer, a practicing physician and senior fellow at the Cato Institute [politely expressed the absurdity of the “paper soaked in drugs” fantasy by saying]…”I don’t know if any of these things have ever occurred, or whether law enforcement is simply imagining such scenarios”…

False Witness (#1105)

Good riddance to toxic rubbish:

Bennett Braun, a Chicago psychiatrist whose diagnoses of repressed memories involving horrific abuse by devil worshipers helped to fuel what became known as the “Satanic panic” of the 1980s and ’90s, died on March 20 in Lauderhill, Fla…He was 83…Braun…claimed that he could help patients uncover memories of childhood trauma…which…were responsible for the splintering of a person’s self into many distinct personalities.  He…became…frequently quoted…in the news media…and…publicized his [bizarre fantasies]…of…patients discover[ing] memories of being tortured by satanic cults…key[ing] into a growing national panic…[that] began in 1980 with the book Michelle Remembers…and spiked following allegations of abuse at day care centers in California and North Carolina…[tabloid] TV…[heavily] promoted such claims…[but] the psychiatric profession bore [most of the] responsibility…[because fabulist]s like…Braun [gave] it a gloss of authority…[rather than urging proper investigations of literally-impossible claims]…

Cops and Robbers (#1181) 

Only a few years ago, media outlets were lionizing wackos like these:

Members of a[n Arizona-based] militia group called Veterans On Patrol have spent recent weeks conducting “operations” in Spokane — searching the streets near homeless shelters looking for people they think are victims or perpetrators of human trafficking.  The group has been distributing fliers to homeless people with a phone number and instructions to call Veterans On Patrol instead of the police if they suspect trafficking is occurring…Michael “Lewis Arthur” Meyer, the leader of the group, arrived in Washington earlier this year and has been attempting to establish a base of operations in the Inland Northwest…Arthur…is not a veteran.  The group started [in 2015] with the stated goal of veteran suicide prevention, but later evolved to focus on immigration and…[fantasies of “]preventing child trafficking[“]…In 2018, Arthur discovered an abandoned homeless camp in Tucson, Arizona, that he [imagin]ed was part of a massive sex trafficking network…Arthur says he isn’t a QAnon adherent, but he does espouse related conspiracies involving chemtrails and Satanic pedophiles who supposedly harvest adrenochrome from children’s blood…In Arizona, Veterans On Patrol members have harassed aid workers, chased people through the desert and physically detained migrants…Arthur has a warrant out in Arizona after skipping out on his sentencing for destroying humanitarian water stations set up for migrants

Vulture Watching

Psychopathy is typical in politicians, but this is complete derangement:

Arizona’s…Supreme Court [has] revived a near-total ban of abortion, invoking a 1864 law that forbids the procedure except to save a mother’s life and punishes providers with prison time…It superseded the previous law, which mandated the right to end a pregnancy by the 15-week mark, resetting policy to the pre-Roe v. Wade era and adding Arizona to the roster of 16 other states where abortion is virtually outlawed…the…ban could force Arizona’s licensed abortion clinics to ramp down dramatically or shutter…The legal upheaval landed as reproductive rights advocates push for a November ballot measure that would protect access to abortion in the Arizona state constitution.  Campaigners have already gathered more than enough signatures to qualify…

The Vultures Descend (#1308)

Now this is an interesting development:

The U.S. Supreme Court 2014 decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby allowed religious, anti-abortion employers to refuse to cover contraception in their employee health insurance.  But an extraordinary April 4 appellate court decision in Indiana turned the…decision into a winning argument for abortion rights…The…case was brought in 2022 by five anonymous plaintiffs of…the group Jewish Hoosiers for Choice….[who] argued that their religious doctrine teaches that a fetus is part of a woman’s body, not an independent being with its own rights.  The abortion ban, then, violates their religious freedom to decide whether to have an abortion.  This argument, which undergirds similar religious freedom lawsuits across the country, including in Kentucky, Missouri and Florida, is a profound pushback against the Christian right’s attempts to assert their position, that life begins at conception and that a fetus is a person, as the only genuine religious belief…Judge Leanna K. Weissmann [wrote that]…If the owners of Hobby Lobby could engage in religious exercise by refusing to provide coverage for contraceptives they considered abortifacients…then “it stands to reason that a pregnant person can engage in a religious exercise by pursuing an abortion”…

Stalkers in Blue (#1408)

This cannot be reformed:

Dana Rachlin, a prominent police reform advocate, once collaborated so closely with local precincts in North Brooklyn that she often worked out of the office of NYPD Chief Jeffrey Maddrey…Rachlin…[foolishly] grew [to trust him] so much…that when…she was raped in October 2017, one of the first people she called was Maddrey, who urged her to file a police report, despite her reservations…Now Rachlin…[has filed] a federal lawsuit [because] police officials weaponized [supposedly-]confidential details of that sexual assault to retaliate against her for her vocal criticism of violent policing…in mid-2020 NYPD officials cut off her access…and told precinct leaders not to work with her.  Soon afterward…[details of] her…sexual assault was circulated to community advocates, mixed in with misinformation… and the [lie] that she fabricated the attack and falsely accused a Black man of rape. Those same claims later surfaced in two anonymous letters sent to…politicians and others… Rachlin [said] “This isn’t just about me. It’s about…a department that reacts to even the slightest criticism with ruthless tactics designed to instill fear and cause compliance”…

Thought Control (#1415)

I was destined to be threatened with state violence regardless of career path:

[Two Alabama bills] comprise a package…aimed at [redefin]ing…obscenity [in a manner that violates the First Amendment] while also removing free speech protections for school and public libraries…[thus] allowing [librarians] to be criminally prosecuted…[if a politician points at books or other library] materials [while barfing out the magic formula] “harmful to minors”…librarians…would have to guess…which…materials…[any of hundreds of censorious politicians might target, which is impossible, so] librarians will likely favor caution and simply not place [any book which has ever been “challenged” by any wannabe censor anywhere in the country] into circulation instead of dealing with the potential liability that comes from making those materials accessible…


I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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We’re not in Afghanistan or Gaza.  –  Bevis Schock

Even though I don’t do April Fools hoaxes any more, I still like a good parody, and I recently came across this one by Amy Winfrey, mocking her own hilarious Making Fiends series (if you’ve never seen it, you should remedy that today).  The links above the video were provided by Scott Greenfield, Walter Olson,  C.J. Ciaramella, The Onion, Mike Masnick, and IncarcerNation (x2), in that order.

From the Archives

I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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License to Rape

Prohibition turns the body of every citizen into a “crime scene”, which can be violated by cops at will:

Pennsylvania [cops] have reached a settlement with a woman who [was subjected to] an unnecessary and humiliating strip-search after she was pulled over for a minor traffic violation…by [lying rapist] Brian Rousseau…he [and another male cop threatened and coerced her into “]consent[ing”] to [a] search [of] her vehicle…but [they] found no sign of drugs, illegal weapons, or other [excuse they could use to molest her].  However, that wasn’t enough for the[m to get their jollies, so they called] a female [cop to molest her.  But when]…Elish [told the female cop] that she didn’t know [why they were targeting her]…the female [cop refused to actually root around in her vagina and anus, disappointing]…Rousseau…[who then decided to ticket] Elish…for driving five miles per hour over the speed limit.  That…was dropped…when Rousseau failed to appear at the hearing…

If Men Were Angels

A [Catholic] priest [named Fernando Gonzalez Ortega]…has been arrested [in Brownsville, Texas] for multiple sex-trafficking charges and…continuous sexual abuse of a child…

To Molest and Rape (#1280)

Chicago originally hid this costumed rapist’s picture:

A [typical and representative] Chicago [cop skated with a mere]…year in federal prison…for the [rape]…of a transgender woman in..his [pigmobile after threatening her with arrest]…James Sajdak…[raped the sex worker] on March 5, 2019.  He had originally faced up to life behind bars…but under [a cushy, cops-only] plea agreement with prosecutors, the sentence was capped at 12 months…Sajdak…[wept crocofile tears and made excuses in a transparent bid for sympathy]…Sajdak…[us]ed his [pigmobile] sirens [and magic clown costume to intimidate]…the victim…into [submitting to rape]…biting [her in the process] and [then throwing a few bucks at her so if he got caught he could claim it was a business transaction rather than a rape]…Sajdak had been recommended for firing more than 20 years ago [for theatening a parolee with] bogus drug charges…[then] in…2013…he and [his gang] se[xually assaulted]…a woman [under the pretext of a “]search[“]…

No Escape

This guy must be well-connected for the Big Pigs to pay attention to his girlfriend’s report:

A [typical and representative Texas screw named]…James Gray…[has been] arrest[ed]…for…[sexually] assaulting…[a prisoner who was not identified, though her boyfriend’s name is] Randall Vradenburg…He said she called him on [February 23rd] to tell him what happened…and…[the] hands[y screw was arrested and apparently sacked within days]…

To Molest and Rape (#1418)

Cops should not be allowed anywhere near legal minors:

[Typical and representative Oklahoma cop] Brandon LeDoux…face[s] felony charges…[for molesting a teenage girl,] attempt[ing] to [undress her, and]…showing [her porn]…on his smartphone [in what appears to be a clumsy attempt to seduce her]…

And it’s rare that they’re caught after only one victim:

A [typical and representative Missouri cop has been charged with]…additional sex crimes [after two more victims came forward]…Justin Durham…[was first] indicted…in September on charges of rape, sodomy, child pornography possession and sexual trafficking of a child…[then] a federal grand jury…indicted [him] in October on federal…child pornography [charges]…

To Molest and Rape (#1419)

Give sexually-aggressive thugs power over teens; what could possibly go wrong?

A [typical and representative] Yakima [Washington cop assigned to spy on, harass, and intimidate students] is now facing charges for a sexual relationship with a teen girl and for raping her drunk friend…Elias Huizar…got a protection order against the then 13-year-old girl after she allegedly told others they had a sexual relationship…and [contacted] his wife…[who]…divorce[d him later that year]…Huizar…re[-established contact with the girl in] 2022 when she was 15…she soon became pregnant, and their baby was born [last] April…She [then] started living with him and [is now] 17…on Feb. 2…[she was] drinking…[with a] younger girl [who got so drunk she] felt sick…Both were…asleep when Huizar’s girlfriend woke to find Huizar [rap]ing her friend…

UPDATE: It rapidly got much, much worse.

When will people get tired of sacrificing their daughters to the cop cult?

A [Pennsylvania cop assigned to spy on, harass, and intimidate students] was arrested on [February 13th] for [repeat]edly [moles]ting a student.  Jordan Jones..[wa]s charged…[after the girl] disclosed to a counselor that…Jones [had groomed and molested her]…

It’s rare they’re caught before they successfully molest any students, but the nauseating excuse-making in this story is not rare:

[Omar Connor, a cop paid to spy on, harass, and intimidate students] in Groton, Massachusetts, has been fired…[because] he harassed students and staff, including asking one student if she wanted to come to his house to have sex…[but dopey reporters seem to consider his cop shop’s claims about his “popularity” more credible than the statements of] students and [staff he harassed because one] parent…[claimed she] “Never…hear[d] anything bad about him, ever”…


I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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We were told to hand the kids a couple of jelly beans and a quarter cup of lemonade at the end.  –  Paul Connell

To honor the passing of Steve Lawrence, here’s a number in which he and his wife & lifelong singing partner Eydie Gormé join Steve Allen, Ann Sothern, and two very big guest stars in a number on Allen’s show, where Lawrence & Gorme were regulars.  The links above the video were provided by Dan SavageAmy Alkon, Radley Balko, The Onion, IncarcerNation (x2), and Mike Siegel, in that order.

From the Archives

I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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They just shot him down like a dog.  –  Bonnie Pigram

Mojo Nixon has gone to be with Elvis, but since I already featured his masterpiece in October ’21, please enjoy this one instead.  The links above it were provided by Jesse Walker, IncarcerNation, Phoenix Calida (x2), Franklin Harris, Walter Olson, and IncarcerNation again, in that order.

From the Archives

I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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Banning books contradicts the very essence of what our country stands for.  –  Alexi Giannoulias

Gingerbread House

Now that the hysteria is dying, bureaucrats are finally making a long-overdue effort to control rescue industry profiteering:

…the Department of Children and Families will [finally] start putting together rules for [gingerbread]…houses across Florida…[after investigative] reporting…exposed the lack of standards or regulations for those [facilities which]…exploit…[women forced into them by the state using the pretext of “sex trafficking” hysteria]…

Torture Chamber

This will continue until journalists stop obediently referring to senseless violence as “correction”:

Victor Russo…died…from an inoperable brain bleed caused by blunt force injuries to his head.  The prison [li]ed Russo’s fatal injury was sustained in a fall [which coincidentally happened a week after a] prolonged beating by [Alabama screw] Mohammad Jenkins that was caught on a…surveillance camera…The [state’s pet] medical examiner [wagged his tail] and [obediently] classified Russo’s death as an accident.  So Jenkins was charged with [mere] assault, not [wanton] murder…Jenkins…is…a…[typical and representative screw] in an out-of-control prison system, who preyed on incarcerated men, using violence and cruelty with abandon…for 20 plus years, [Alabama Department of Torturing Caged Humans] promoted…Jenkins through the ranks, while he left behind a long…trail of [victims and was]…quietly reward[ed for] it…whi[le]…the federal government [did nothing]…

An Example To the West (#916)

the Lady Mermaid Empowerment Centre…is an organisation led by [Ugandan] sex workers fighting to decriminalise their profession while documenting violations [by police] and providing free contraceptives and counselling.  It works with 25,000 women annually, spread across 122 hot spots – street corners, bars, brothels and lodges – in Kampala and two other districts…

Creepy Coppers

Seems like a significant fraction of child porn is spread by cops:

a [South Carolina cop named]…Daniel Shealy [was fired after he was caught]…distribut[ing]…child pornography over the internet.  [His bosses were much more concerned with his magic clown costume than with the crimes he committed] …

Thought Control (#1250)

It’s sad the the First Amendment has been so weakened it needs a state law to give it teeth:

As libraries across the country face threats and book bans, Illinois [has] become the first state in the nation to ban the practice…House Bill 2789…prevents public schools and community libraries that ban books from accessing state funding…Under the new law, Illinois public libraries must adopt the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights to receive any state funding — which includes “materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation”…

The Mob Rules (#1368)

Pornhub has repeatedly chosen not to spy on its users:

Pornhub…has blocked people in Montana from viewing the site [without a VPN in response to]…a new state law that requires websites to verify the age of a person before they can access the site’s content…Pornhub said they were specifically making the decision to block access at this time due to the government ID age verification requirement. Saying…“giving your ID card every time you want to visit an adult platform is not the most effective solution for protecting our users, and in fact, will put children and your privacy at risk”…

Permanent Record (#1387)

It’s unusual to see a man targeted thus, and even more unusual for it to involve university-level teachers:

UW-La Crosse Chancellor Joe Gow, who was denied a pay raise five years ago over inviting a former porn actress to speak on campus, has been fired for himself engaging in explicit sexual acts with his wife on popular porn websites.  Gow…was already planning to retire at the end of the school year.  But in a three-hour, closed-door meeting…the Board of Regents unanimously decided to terminate his chancellorship and [move to strip him of tenure in an effort to cheat him of his pension even though he did not]…violate…any specific UW system policies…


I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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You would think…the government would want to encourage a substance that helps people to quit smoking rather than discourage its use.
–  Kyle Kutasi

The Face of Trafficking

Note that cases of actual coercion don’t look much like the myths:

Three [Missouri] men kept a student from India in a locked [basement] and forced him to work, do chores and endure severe beatings over the course of several months…Venkatesh R. Sattaru was charged with human trafficking, kidnapping and other charges after…forc[ing] a 20-year-old college student who moved to the U.S. last year to work for Sattaru’s company and sleep…on an unfinished floor without access to food, water or a bathroom…Sravanvarma Penumetcha and Nikhil V. Penmatsa…helped Sattaru further the abuse by issuing beatings and lashings with electrical wire, PVC pipe, metal rods, wooden boards, sticks and [plastic] hoses…a neighbor…called [the cops after]…the…student…ran out of the house…trembling uncontrollably, heavily scarred and suffering from bruises and swelling all over his body… Sattaru is a wealthy, powerful man in India with political…connections…and [cop friends, so the victim] feared that he would be killed if he identified Sattaru…

Dutch Threat (#1005)

Though cloaked in “helping” language, this is actually just a way for the Dutch government to establish more effective financial surveillance over sex workers:

Dutch banks want to make it easier for sex workers to open a business bank account…Sex workers often encounter problems with business bank accounts because they work a lot with cash, making it difficult for b[usybodie]s to know where the money comes from.  It is also difficult for banks to determine the sector’s typical income and expenditures, which complicates [pry]ing [into their financial affairs]…the banks [have] set up a new Sector Standard, which specifies that banks can use sex workers’ tax returns to determine where their income comes from and what is typical for them…

Creepy Coppers

Cops of all types love their child porn:

A [typical and representative Vermont screw named]…Benjamin Mallery…pleaded guilty to [a minor charge]…under a plea deal [to avoid a series of child porn charges.  Unlike non-cops, Mallery will skate] with…a…[mere] 60 days — with 10 years of probation…and…[condemnation] to [the]…sex offender [registry]…

Typical and representative cop Blake Gruny of St. Johns County Florida was arrested for child porn in early October, and typical and representative cop Jordan Collins of Elgin, Illinois was charged for the same thing on December 6; both stories consist mainly of their bosses strutting around, vomiting bombastic rhetoric about how these typical and representative predators are neither typical nor representative.

You Were Warned (#1341)

Politicians no longer bother to consider whether their new diktats are Constitutional:

A TikTok ban in Montana is likely unconstitutional, a federal judge [has] ruled…Judge Donald Molloy…issued a temporary halt to enforcing the ban.  It was scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2024, and [politicians with dollar signs in their eyes imagined they would collect]…$10,000 penalties per day for app stores or TikTok “each time that a user accesses TikTok, is offered the ability to access TikTok, or is offered the ability to download TikTok”…

A Moral Cancer (#1374)

A dangerous new front in the Drug War claims its first victim:

A[n Australian] man has been charged with possessing liquid nicotine despite Health Minister Mark Butler [ly]ing [that] smokers will not be personally targeted [by cops due to] vape cr[iminalizatio]n.  Trinite Williams…pleaded not guilty…after [cops found it while rooting through] his car on October 8 [in order to find something to charge him with]…Mr Williams’ lawyer Kyle Kutasi [said] his client was “extremely frustrated” because he [was foolish enough to actually] believe…a [politician’s lies]…

Stalkers in Blue (#1386)

Cops are sexual predators who often specifically target traumatized women:

A Surrey [BC] RCMP [cop] abused his power to search police databases for information on a troubled 19-year-old sex worker…then appeared at [her] home under false pretences to [try to maneuver her into] sex…Peter Leckie knew the young woman had recently experienced the murder of her father, a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder and entry into the sex trade…[this is not the first time] Leckie…specifically targeted [vulnerable] women…[yet he was let off with] six months of house arrest and…a year of probation…

The Widening Gyre (#1388)

Poor “sex traffickers” have apparently been forced to give up their ambitious schemes to abduct women and children from big-box stores such as Target and Ikea, and instead to pathetically lurking in strip-mall parking lots.  While they could once afford to lure them with roseshoney, or $100 bills, they’ve now been reduced to attempting to trick them with empty candy wrappers.  And while one of these dopey Twitter posts once attracted thousands of “likes”, I’ve never seen as much mockery as this one drew.  So scary!


I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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At the time [I molested a boy], I was the victim.  –  Phillip Fisher Jr

Buried Truth

A textbook example of McNeill’s Law:

A [Philadelphia] pastor who coordinates the faith-based outreach for the [pro-censorship cult] Moms for Liberty was convicted a decade ago of sexually abusing a teenage boy.  Phillip Fisher Jr…helps connect the [cult] with local faith leaders to boost membership…Fisher blames his conviction on…Lyndon LaRouche…

Policing for Profit

Cops will never stop doing this as long as the state keeps giving them pretexts:

Miami [cop] Frenel Cenat…was arrested on November 17, 2023 on charges including…extortion, [robbery] and attempted possession with intent to distribute cocaine.  When a [snitch] told the FBI that…Cenat had…stolen money and drugs from them…[the FBI set him up] to [try to] extort $50,000 from a man whom he “caught” in a drug transaction.  The conversation was recorded…

On the Simultaneous Having and Eating of Cake (#1271) 

Perhaps we’re nearing the end of this nasty, twisted saga:

The company that owns Pornhub reached an agreement with the United States Attorney’s Office, resolving a 30-month federal investigation into its role in the Girls Do Porn…case.  Aylo, formerly Mindgeek, has been accused in multiple civil lawsuits — some of them ongoing — of knowingly hosting videos…the victims [were promised] would never be seen in the United States…Aylo…didn’t plead guilty to any crime, and the FBI will dismiss the charges in three years, subject to court approval and Aylo’s compliance with the agreement…“While the production company provided the platforms with written documentation that purported to be consent forms signed by women who were featured in the GDP/GDT productions, and Aylo was unaware of GDP/GDT’s criminal conduct, Aylo now understands that those forms were obtained by GDP/GDT through fraud and coercion”…Aylo voluntarily agreed to pay individuals who were defrauded by Girls Do Porn and its affiliates, whose images were posted on Aylo’s platforms…

I Spy (#1360) 

The government thinks you shouldn’t be allowed any privacy whatsoever:

A little-known surveillance program tracks more than a trillion domestic phone records within the United States each year, according to a letter…sent by US senator Ron Wyden to the Department of Justice…challenging the program’s legality…Data Analytical Services…has for more than a decade allowed [cops and spooks] to mine the details of Americans’ calls, analyzing the phone records of countless people who are not suspected of any crime…the program targets not only those in direct phone contact with a criminal suspect but anyone with whom those individuals have been in contact as well.  The DAS program…is run [with the full and voluntary] coo[per]ation [of] the telecom giant AT&T, which captures and conducts analysis of US call records for [cop shops and spook houses] across the country…[raking in] more than $6 million [for] the program, which allows [snooping into] the records of any calls…includ[ing]…the caller and recipient’s names, phone numbers, and the dates and times they placed calls…

To Molest and Rape (#1382)

Give aggressive thugs power over teens; what could possibly go wrong?

[Typical and representative Indiana cop] Tim Armstrong was arrested and accused of [attempting to molest a teen boy]…between April and August of 2022.  Th[e boy] told a school counselor that Armstrong asked him to send sexually explicit videos and images and asked him inappropriate questions on several different occasions.  Indiana State Police…also found…that Armstrong had [watched porn]…on his school-issued cellphone while [assigned to spy on, harass, and intimidate students.  In addition to that job]…Armstrong has [also been a politician and] high school baseball coach…

The Cop Myth (#1390)

Sleeping with a cop is one of the most dangerous things a woman can do:

[Illinois cop] Michael Huff [murdered] his wife…Jackie…on [November 20th, then shot himself]…the [bodies were] discover[ed]…after…[a neighbor complained about] shots fired…at the Huff residence…

Served Cold (#1392)

The schadenfreude of watching Tim Ballard’s reputation go down in flames is so very sweet:

Documents filed in a lawsuit against Tim Ballard accuse him of grossly exaggerating his job with the…CIA…to [con people out of] millions of dollars…Frank Montoya Jr., a retired [FBI] agent…confirmed the CIA hires interns…in the…Watch Office…he [said]…employees who work in the CIA Watch Office are…“basically making coffee and answering telephones”…


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Abortion trafficking is not a thing.  –  Judge Debora Grasham

An Avalanche of Bullshit (#976)

Another high-profile pogrom of an Asian-owned business has been announced in the media by parroting cops’ and prosecutors’ masturbatory fantasies, racist propaganda, and ludicrously-Victorian language.  The use of the word “service” as a verb in the headline is as telltale as the presence of the word “sophisticated”, used by cops for the last decade as an excuse to rape sex workers.  The primary trope of the coverage is the popular pretense that it’s somehow shocking that modern men of means and position are as likely to buy sex as such men have always been since the beginning of human civilization.  Fairly-ordinary fees and costs of doing business are represented as extravagant; extremely mundane practices like screening clients and making bank deposits are described with weird, convoluted language so as to make them seem somehow esoteric and criminal; and adult women are infantilized as passive victims by invoking the “submissive Asian woman” fantasy.  One day, our culture may grow up enough to recognize that pragmatic sexual arrangements are nobody else’s business, but that day is not today, so we can look forward to months of lurid fixation on the prurient details and none on the government’s crime of wasting massive amounts of money and manpower in order to destroy the lives of people who harmed nobody.

Creepy Coppers

Seems like a significant fraction of child porn is spread by cops:

A [cop from] Tennessee was arrested…[for] requesting [nude photos]…from a mother in Virginia who sent him [nude] photos and videos of her juvenile daughter.  Dan Roark…was…charged with…production of child pornography…an anonymous [snitch first reported the daughter]…

I had to aggressively edit this one because it was so larded with obfuscatory language:

A [typical and representative Missouri cop] has been indicted by a federal grand jury…August Price Gildehaus…was charged…with one count of enticing a minor to engage in illegal sexual activity…producing child pornography…and…attempting to distribute child pornography…

Feudalism Redux (#1327)

Politicians don’t even try to make their new laws constitutional any more:

…a federal judge [has] granted a temporary restraining order against…[Idaho’s unconstitutional law inventing a new crime called] “abortion trafficking”…[which] criminaliz[es] any adult who assists a minor in obtaining abortion medication or a lawful abortion out of state without parental consent. [The law essentially allows a] parent…or guardian…to f[orce a]…minor…[to carry an unwanted or even dangerous pregnancy under the rhetoric of]…“parental rights”…the law is [both] unconstitutionally vague [and infringes] on the…right…to interstate and intrastate travel…

Cops and Robbers (#1328)

Of course they’ll never charge the cops who use similar tactics with no more concern for ethics:

Jason Nassr, the man behind…Creeper Hunter TV, [was] sentenced…to…18 months of house arrest…from 2015 to 2020, Nassr posted videos he claimed showed men contacting him for sex when…he was [ageplaying]…he would communicate with men on dating sites and social media platforms, typically portraying himself as an 18-year-old female.  Once the correspondence turned sexual…Nassr would [start ageplaying while yet including hints that] he was [actually ov]er 18 — as young as age 10…Those who continued to communicate with him would end up featured on Creeper Hunter TV.  Nassr recorded in-person confrontations, showed screen captures of text conversations, and included full names and phone numbers…Around 100 episodes were posted…at least two of [Nassr’s victims] have died by suicide…[but] Justice Alissa Mitchell…[let him off with] house arrest, six months of a 10 p.m. curfew and two years of probation…

I Spy (#1376)

Nothing infuriates violent busybodies more than privacy:

On October 26, the UK Parliament passed the Online Safety Act…the government has…admitted there…is no…way to scan E2EE messages or services without breaking their encryption…[so] Ofcom…now…propos[es] to use hash matching…a mass surveillance [technique] that could easily be abused by law enforcement.  Hash matching…compares…videos, pictures or text…to a database of illegal content…by turning the content into “hashes”, a sample of the content a bit like a fingerprint…similar systems already in place have returned numerous false positives that can ruin people’s lives…and bog the system down, forcing companies…to investigate perfectly innocent media…every app you download to share files or access social media could contain spyware to [root through] the media on your device and [snitch to the cops]…the database of illegal material will [certainly expand and]…could very easily become a tool of censorship, similar to how the Chinese government scans for images of the Tiananmen Square protests…

The Cop Myth (#1378)

41% of cops admit to beating their wives; some don’t stop with mere beating:

A [typical and representative Alabama screw named]…David Tolbert was arrested after…he [murdered]…his wife on Nov. 15, 2022…[by shooting her] in [public] outside of a business…

Torture Chamber (#1387)

It does not help young victims of governmental brutality to infantilize them as “children”:

…[young people locked up]…in more than a dozen [prisons] in Illinois…[are routinely] “tased, pepper sprayed…roughed up by [screws]…forced into isolation for days at a time…[and] denied access to…medications…mental health treatment…and…schooling, [in defiance of] state and federal laws”…[at one cage stack] in Benton…Solitary confinement is the rule…[prisoners] spend between 20 and 23 hours per day confined in their cells…[where] fluorescent lights [are left on]…24 hours a day…the cells themselves are f[ilthy] and infested with [toxic] black mold


I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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[Screws] punish people who can’t fight back.  –  Gregory Hyde

The Truth About “The Truth About…”

Just another of those nonexistent false rape accusations:

Gerardo Cabanillas…[rotted] in prison for nearly three decades…[after being] accused [by cops] of a brutal robbery at gunpoint and sexual assault of a young woman in [Los Angeles] in 1995…The 18-year-old had been involved in a separate robbery in the area and [vaguely] matched the description given by the woman, so [incompetent cops] assumed the crimes were linked…During a seven-hour interrogation during which Cabanillas [was denied] access to an attorney, [pig inquisitor] Jack Lee Alirez promised the young man he would be released on probation if he admitted to what he was being accused of…[that was a lie, and] Cabanillas was [instead] charged with 14 felonies, convicted and sentenced to a de facto life sentence…The victim…never identified him in court…and…[her] boyfriend [only] identified Cabanillas [because the cops]…told him…Cabanillas…had confessed…his case was finally taken up by the California Innocence Project in 2017…[and] this year, DNA evidence not only cleared Cabanillas, but also identified another suspect, who was already in prison awaiting trial for murder…Th[e actual rapist]…went on to commit additional sexual assaults…

If Men Were Angels

Even the distancing “former” is the same as for rapist cops:

A [typical and representative Iowa] pastor…[named] Mark Benson…gave a young girl medicine to make her sleep, then sexually assaulted her several times between 2009 and 2012, when she was between 10 and 13 years old…

Perquisites (#840) 

Expect use of this term to continue expanding wildly:

..former NU cheerleader Hayden Richardson…alleges that University employees repeatedly put [her] and her peers in situations where they were groped, harassed and assaulted by fans and alumni for the purpose of soliciting donations to the school…In June 2021, NU filed a motion to dismiss federal claims including forced labor, sex trafficking and forced-labor trafficking and state claims related to breach of contract and emotional distress…U.S. District Judge Edmond Chang [has now] ruled…that the University failed to argue that the Trafficking Victims Protection Act does not apply under the provisions listed by Richardson…noting that the “Spirit Squad Contract” Richardson signed with the University amounted to financial coercion.  Had Richardson not attended [such] mandatory events…and thus had to leave the team, she would have owed NU more than $10,000 for her scholarships and cheer-related expenses…

I Spy (#1184)

“Child porn” is merely a pretext for mass surveillance on an unprecedented scale:

…in October [Swedish politician Ylva] Johansson’s [mass surveillance] proposal [will be] put to a vote in the Civil Liberties Committee of the European Parliament…The regulation would obligate digital platforms – from Facebook to Telegram, Signal to Snapchat, TikTok to clouds and online gaming websites – to [snoop into user’s private files and communications] and report any [image a mindless, error-prone algorithm decides is] child [porn]…so-called “client-side scanning”…will unleash a massive new surveillance system and threaten the use of end-to-end encryption…Johansson, however, [keeps barfing out the word] “children”…and…is…“influenced by companies pretending to be NGOs but acting more like tech companies”, said Arda Gerkens, former director of Europe’s oldest hotline for reporting online [child porn].  “Groups like Thorn use everything they can to put this legislation forward…because they have a commercial interest in doing so…Who will benefit from the legislation?…Not the children.”

The Punitive Mindset (#1196) 

“Drugs” are a popular pretext for petty vindictiveness in US prisons:

Another state prison system is facing a lawsuit over its use of inaccurate drug field tests to throw incarcerated people in solitary confinement.  The class-action lawsuit, filed…by Columbia Legal Services in a Washington state circuit court, alleges that the Washington State Department of [Torturing Caged Humans (TCH)] uses unreliable field kits to test mail for drugs and then uses the unverified results to put inmates in solitary confinement, move them to higher security prisons, and strip them of visitation rights and other privileges…items that have tested “presumptive positive” include blank notebook paper and manila envelopes purchased directly from [TCH]’s commissary…

Unsafe for Human Consumption (#1279)

The stupider the belief, the harder it is to debunk:

[Facts and common sense have]n’t kept [hysteria] over rainbow fentanyl from gaining momentum again as Halloween nears…police in Tulalip, Washington, [tried to panic] parents after finding pastel-colored fentanyl pills at a local casino…”rainbow fentanyl” pills were also seized near Charlotte, North Carolina…”Joe Camel” [inanely barfed] Charles Odell, the CEO of a [company profiting from prohibition, oblivious to this being a non sequitur]…

The Cop Myth (#1374)

Sleeping with a cop is one of the most dangerous things a woman can do:

…[typical and representative] Pennsylvania [cop] Ronald K. Davis [has been charged] with felony strangulation, unlawful restraint, false imprisonment…and o[ther crimes after trying to discredit his mistress by having her committed]…he took a [non-cop buddy] and [attacked] her…[but his buddy] captured the [assault] on video.  That video…and text communications with Davis show that [the mistress] was rational and the involuntary commitment was improper.  As a result of Davis’ actions, [she] was involuntarily committed for five days…


I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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