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Links #169

You are sitting here like cattle!  Is this America?  –  Robert Small

I really do try to balance all the stories of bureaucratic tyranny and police brutality with light, funny or fascinating items; some weeks it’s just a lot more difficult to do that.  This week’s first video, a cute comedy based on Jesus raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead in the eighth chapter of Luke (trust me) was provided by Antonio Lorusso, and the second, on performing Shakespeare with original pronunciation, by Franklin Harris.  The first two items below (and the “puppy” part of the third) were provided by Radley Balko, but the first part of the third came from Grace (who also contributed “PTA”) and the “Alzheimer’s” part from Cop Block (who also contributed “bystander”).  The first seven between the videos were supplied by Brooke MagnantiNun Ya, Jesse Walker, Gideon, PopehatMistress Matisse, and Mike Siegel (in that order); Mike also provided “dead horse”.

From the Archives

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