
Archive for February 7th, 2022

Silly modern hair-splitting of barely-different sects of authoritarians might as well be based upon what brand of laundry detergent they use for all the difference in their observable behavior.  The two main differences between US authoritarian brands are 1) who they want running the show; and 2) which individual rights and liberties they deem threatening to the state; the only personal freedoms any sect of authoritarians embrace are those deemed incidental, unimportant, or unthreatening to the state or collective.  Different groups of authoritarians create different pseudointellectual excuses for “why” they want to control individuals, and their varying hangups and issues cause them to fixate on different groups of individuals.  But all authoritarians want collectivized control of individuals because their fragile minds feel out of control of a world of billions of individuals being individual.  There is no intellectual process involved, merely primitive emotional ones; all excuses for authoritarianism, no matter how academic and impressive the wording they use to justify those fixations to the cognitively-lazy, are nothing more than the moans of frightened cave-children cowering in the dark at night-noises outside.  Actual civilized adults are comfortable with individuals being individual, without any sick need to target them with violent attempts at control.

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