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The Horror of Throwback Thursday

There is no moral difference between a sex worker taking out a loan to emigrate to a wealthier country and a student taking out tens of thousands of dollars in loans  – except that the former has a guaranteed job and the latter doesn’t.
–  “Happy Endings

The moral authority of ANY politician…is exactly as legitimate as the moral authority of a tiger pissing on trees to mark its territory.
–  “Tiger, Tiger

When I was young and living in a small town, most people had little respect for the kind of whiny tattletale who calls the cops on other people instead of trying to handle disagreements themselves; however, that kind of attitude has gone the way of party lines and black-and-white television sets.  –  “In the Street

Except when the subject is sex, “You should probably hire a pro to do that” is usually considered good and wholly uncontroversial advice for any compex task that requires greater skill and experience than the average amateur is likely to have.  –  “Tripod

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