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Throwback Thursday and the Monster from Hell

You just go right ahead believing that the US military-industrial complex is so very concerned with commercial sex that it’s willing to spend considerable funds just to stop people from having it.  –  “Guinea Pigs

To [sex prohibitionists] trapped in this horrifying belief-system, all the women in the world are stuck in one immense elevator together and the whores are smoking, farting and pissing on the floor. – “Policing Womanhood

The idea that it’s “counterintuitive” that totalitarian government creates more problems than it solves is one that could only emerge from the mind of a statist who learned history from a pop-up book.  –  “Ceding Ground

The majority of cops, bureaucrats and other petty evildoers don’t see themselves as evil; they see themselves as just people doing a job.
–  “All the Quiet Sociopaths

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