
Archive for August 28th, 2020

Annex 14

Heavy rain last Thursday and Friday slowed us down, but we were still able to get the foundation for the cottage finished by dinnertime Saturday, at which point I took this picture.  We had already done all of the joists on Thursday before the rain started in earnest, then on Saturday I got all the green foundation boards in place.  It was mostly a one-person job, so while I worked Chekhov started staging all the parts for the second cottage nearby (just out of the frame to the left).  Meanwhile, Grace was taking measurements and making calculations for the roof, which we plan to start in the next couple of weeks.  On Sunday we got started on the lower part of the cottage walls, and this time I decided to do the porch as part of the first day of work so we’d have a place to stand instead of having to put down boards and plywood to stand upon.  Then all this week we worked on the cottage with the help of my usual hired man and a friend of his; the wages for the second helper were provided by a generous donation from one of my gentlemen.  I really want to get the roof in place before the rainy season really gets going in the autumn, so the gift of funds for the second helper were very much appreciated; next week you’ll see the results!

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