
Archive for September 3rd, 2021

Annex 42

The slowness of our progress on the roof is really annoying to me, especially now that it has pushed us back to a time when I have lots of other things (such as processing fruit, making money and catching up on my writing) vying for my attention.  But though it looked like we were going to at least start speeding up, a number of things got in the way and this is all we’ve done since last week (though Grace has also fabricated a big pile of gussets, plates and other reinforcements).  Still, the weather is supposed to be clear for the next couple of weeks, so I’m hoping we can get the rest of the main members up soon.  And once that’s done, the cee purlins should go up relatively quickly.  Despite my annoyance at the delays, we can still get part of the roof done before the rains return in October, though I can’t be confident that we will.

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