
Archive for October 5th, 2023

Thanks to Peter Schafer for the wonderful sign photo!

If you define “healthy” as “unrealistically perfect”, then you’re correct that you’ll never be in a “healthy” relationship.  –  “Typically Flawed

I am really, really sick of being threatened with violence from “authorities” every time I turn around.  –  “Threat Level

Phantom clowns are kin to grey aliens, Sasquatch, Nessie, witches, faeries, demons, nymphs, satyrs and all the other mysterious beings with which humans have reported encounters since primeval times, yet are never captured and vanish without a trace whenever a concerted effort is made to discover them.  –  “Clowning Around

I am a grown-ass woman and I can eat Little Debbie Sparkly Unicorn Cakes if I want to.  –  “Diary #431

The point of society is to prepare children for their future lives as adults; it is not to artificially “protect” them from reality by shielding them from anything that might upset them and congratulating them for accomplishments they should’ve mastered at half their current age, nor to coddle them by pretending their immature notions are actually deep and mature thoughts.  And it certainly isn’t to keep them stunted and trapped in an artificially-extended childhood like china dolls in a display case, nor to limit the rights of adults to those appropriate for people who still believe that supersonic flying reindeer are a reasonable concept.  –  “The Cult

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