
Archive for October 10th, 2023

Diary #693

I’ve been wanting one of these for quite a while, but until recently it just loitered unclaimed on my Amazon wishlist until a generous gentleman sent it along with several other useful but less-photogenic gifts.  I’m actually quite tickled with it, and when it arrived last week I was inspired to do some long-overdue straightening and cleaning of the front porch.  That in turn led to a slight rearrangement of the atrium rugs and putting my Wellies and farm-coats in the vestibule, which allowed me to put my good coats, sweaters, and boots in the front closet near the mat, which made room for me to get my clothes-closet upstairs in order to make room for the clothes from my incall.  The process of integrating everything from Seattle has not been a quick one; I hate moving and get easily overwhelmed by the need to fit everything into its new home, so the best thing for me is to simply put it someplace it will fit temporarily and then slowly rearrange it as the mood strikes or the need arises.  Yes, I realize it has been two months, but I’ll probably be done with it by my birthday so it isn’t a hopeless clutter for holiday company.  Yes, my birthday is coming up at the end of this month, and if you’d like to send a token of your appreciation I do have an Amazon wishlist.  I can’t promise your gift will inspire me to get the rest of my incall stuff rearranged, but it certainly can’t hurt.     

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