
Archive for October 30th, 2023

Diary #696

The cold weather has arrived! A rather strong front moved in on Thursday, and the temperature dropped quickly.  When I saw a light freeze was predicted, I made all of the usual preparations: took the hose off of the outside faucet, put the floating heater in the stock tank, etc.  And of course we’re now running the propane heater again, as you can see.  Speck is such a plump kitty, you’d think she would stay warm easily, but nope; the only time she moves far from the heater during the cold months is when she wants to eat, use the litterbox, or move into the bathroom (where we keep an electric radiant heater going 9 months out of the year because for some reason it is otherwise the coldest room in the house, and not by only a little bit).  When she wants to go in there, she’ll follow Grace in; when she wants out, she simply waits until one of us uses it and then waits patiently by the door until we go out.   Either bathroom or in front of the heater is preferable to her early-autumn nap spot, on my desk uptairs; it tends to be very cluttered, which means there isn’t enough room for a fat cat and all of the things that are there, so guess which one ends up on the floor?  At least in the cold months, she’s more likely to occupy Grace’s desk, which is right beside the heater.  Or to occupy my lap during our evening movie time, while I’m sitting on my own heating pad because I have embraced that aspect of old-ladyhood. 

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