
Archive for November 30th, 2023

All of us are time travelers, and though the process is both slow and unidirectional, it inevitably brings us into a world very different from the one where we started.   –  “Welcome to the Future

Computers and the internet have made the creation and dissemination of graphics so easy that any ass can accomplish it; naturally, that means there are a lot of wholly asinine graphics on the internet.
–  “Painfully Clueless

Most drugs aren’t “unsafe for human consumption” when properly-prepared doses are used responsibly; prohibition, however, has been repeatedly proven to be unsafe to humans in any form.  –  “Unsafe for Human Consumption

Both Team MAGA and Team {unpronounceable string of umpteen capital letters} are much too busy dreaming of inflicting their own flavor of totalitarian dystopia on everyone else to bother even attempting to learn from those who went before.  –  “Peculiar Ignorance

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