
Archive for May 3rd, 2023

Diary #670

The last time I expanded the paddock, I thought for sure I’d at last given them enough room to have plenty of grass, but nope; within a month the new section was clipped as close as the rest. So I recently decided to expand it again, this time to the entire north lawn; in addition to the grass there being the most lush and green of any near the house, it also includes most of my apple trees so the animals will be able to enjoy fallen apples.  So on Saturday, Chekhov helped me set five new posts: two for the gate, one at the northwest corner of the house, and two more along what will be the northern fenceline.  I’ll run the bottom strands more closely together this time so I won’t need to Cicero-proof the bottom, and once the new fencing is in place we’ll move the gate from its current location to the area you can see at upper left in the picture below.  Then I’ll remove the old fence, and the paddock will stretch from the south side of the barn all the way around the house; I can recycle the current pig-panels into skirting to keep both Cicero and cold air out of the atrium basement.  So next winter it’ll be easier to keep the house and annex warm, and maybe at last the animals will finally have enough grazing area.

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