
Posts Tagged ‘masturbation’

I can’t breathe.  –  Joseph Lee

I really love this modern trend of various people around the world combining their native musical forms with modern ones; this example from Siberia was called to my attention by Jesse Walker.  The links above the video were provided by Nun Ya, David Ley, Radley Balko, IncarcerNation, Stephen Lemons, and Phoenix Calida (x2), in that order.

From the Archives

I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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Every generation thinks it invented sex, or at least non-vanilla sex.  –  “Nothing New

Had the LGBT “community” devoted its energies to securing the basic rights of all sexual minorities instead of wasting them in trying to force Christian fundamentalists to bake fucking overpriced cakes for their fucking bourgeois weddings, we’d be well on the way to decriminalization by now.  –  “The Big Table

I’m heading into the dreadful days where my pineal gland starts engaging in the neurochemical equivalent of running around the house, turning on all the lights and cranking up the stereo full-blast while screaming obscenities, scattering its clothes all over the floor, losing the car keys, making an unholy mess in the kitchen and refusing to do its homework.  –  “Diary #347

No wonder fantasies of whores “enslaved” by exploitative bosses who spy on their every move are so popular; it’s just amateurs projecting their work conditions onto us.  –  “Secret Squirrel (#916)

To authoritarians, loyalty to friends and family over the diktats of megalomaniacal racist sociopaths is “misplaced”.  –  “Rooted in Racism (#1015)

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It is not the Legislature’s job to parent the parents in how they parent.  –  Shevrin Jones

Broken Record (#743) 

The once-thriving competition for silliest “sex trafficking magnet” tall tale has been reduced to pathetic reruns of years-old fantasies:

As tens of thousands of people make their way to Indianapolis for NBA All-Star weekend…[fetishists are still trying to get you to give them money by chanting the phrase “]sex trafficking[“]…Alisa Bernard [is a professional “survivor” desperately trying to peddle her wares wherever they’ll sell, since they’re no longer lucrative in Seattle]…

Skewed By Taboo (#1009)

At least this one didn’t attempt to lie:

A [73-year-old Australian] man lost part of his penis after shoving three 1cm-wide button batteries into his urethra…[and] waited 24 hours before seeking medical attention.  He confessed…he used the batteries for “self-gratification purposes” and had never had any issues removing objects in the past…the opening of his urethra was stained black, [and] surgery [was necessary to remove both batteries and]…necro[tic tissue inside his penis]…

Pyrrhic Victory (#1172)

Besides laughing aloud, I may have also clapped my hands in delight:

For some Apple Vision Pro buyers, the honeymoon is already over…there’s been an uptick…of…owners…returning the…$3,500 headsets…[as] the first wave of Vision Pro buyers [reach the end of Apple’s two-week return window]…People have said the headset gives them headaches and triggers motion sickness.  The weight of the device…has been another complaint…[one user] thought…the device led to a burst blood vessel in his eye…Another common complaint is the Vision Pro doesn’t offer enough productivity relative to the price…

I Spy (#1268)

“Crisis pregnancy centers” for the 21st century:

…The Veritas Society, a [subsidiary of forced-birth group] Wisconsin Right to Life, used a data broker system called Near Intelligence to target people whose cell phone location data showed they had visited any of the 600 Planned Parenthood…clinics across the country…with anti-abortion messaging or abortion misinformation…The…ad campaign ran from late 2019 through the summer of 2022…[haranguing women] over 14 million [times]…“across the women’s social pages, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat”…“If a data broker could…help extremists target misinformation…a…prosecutor could use that same information to put women in jail,” [said Senator Ron] Wyden…[who] is urging the FTC to block any sale of the data…when [the now-bankrupt] Near Intelligence sells off its assets…

Thought Control (#1389)

I was clearly destined to be threatened with state violence regardless of career path:

…The Alabama Republican Party [has] voted…to encourage the Legislature to…allow for librarians to face criminal charges for [working in libraries that stock books a politician has pointed at while barfing out the formula]…“harmful to minors”…[given that] they also plan to tweak last year’s “Drag Ban” bill…to include LGBTQ content as “sexual conduct”…librarians could soon face up to $10,000 in fines and a year in county jail for shelving an LGBTQ book on a…young adult shelf…

West Virginia politicians couldn’t let Alabama beat them in the Moronolympics:

The West Virginia House of Delegates…passed [a]…Bill…[allowing employees of] schools…libraries and museums [to be prosecuted for “]displaying obscene matter to a minor when the child is not accompanied by a parent/guardian[“.  West Virginia’s bizarrely]…defines obscene matter as [varying by the individual, enabling anyone a wannabe censor decides to target to]…be charged with a felony, fined up to $25,000 and face up to five years in prison if convicted…Supporters of the bill [pretend] it does not ban books…[Sane people point out] that…the bill would…[encourage] challenges to even classic books and attempts to criminally charge librarians over books [that are] not pornographic…but…include descriptions of sex.  They also said it could result in [harassment via spurious] criminal charges against library staff…The lead sponsor of the bill…Brandon Steele [made furtive movements in his pants while sharing his warped sexual fantasies about showing porn to kindergarteners in the school library]…

Torture Chamber (#1408)

I’m sure they helped by occasionally yelling “Stop faking!” at her:

A Mississippi prison denied medical treatment to a…woman with breast cancer, allowing her condition to go undiagnosed for years [as] it [metastasized]…Susie Balfour [developed] cancer as early as May 2018, but [the prison refused to] conduct a biopsy until November 2021, one month before she was released…[in] January 2022..a University of Mississippi Medical Center doctor diagnosed her with stage four breast cancer…Her lawsuit and medical records paint a picture of a prison…system that deliberately delayed life-saving healthcare…that…[its own] contracted clinicians recommended…there are at least 15 others [locked up in the same cage stack]…who have cancer and are not receiving necessary treatment…Balfour said: “They always think everybody is faking”…

The Puritan Recrudescence (#1410)

A judge attempts to stand athwart one of the currently-fashionable “monkey see, monkey do” parades:

An Ohio law requiring that people under age 16 get parental permission to use social media is unconstitutional…federal judge…Algenon Marbley told Ohio’s attorney general…While this…is just a preliminary injunction, Marbley’s opinion leaves little room for doubt that the tech companies will ultimately win here…[the] ruling is the latest in a string of federal court orders against state laws intended to limit minors’ social media or require platforms to follow special rules for users under the age of 18.  Meanwhile, similar measures are still spreading like a bad viral meme throughout U.S. statehouses…

Florida, of course, thinks it doesn’t apply to them:

…Florida [politicians] have incorporated a copycat age verification bill…introduced by a pastor…into a larger bill that aims to prevent anyone under 16 from using certain social media platforms


I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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This is treating people like inventory in a way I’ve not seen.
–  Jutta Williams

Torture Chamber

This will continue until journalists stop obediently referring to senseless violence as “correction”:

A [typical and representative New Hampshire screw has been] charged…with [the] murder…of a patient at [the] prison psychiatric unit [last year]…Matthew Millar [committed the murder by] kneeling on Jason Rothe’s torso and neck for several minutes on April 29 while Rothe was face-down and handcuffed…Rothe…[never] committed [any] crimes but…was committed…in 2019…and transferred to the prison unit in 2022 [under the claim that] he posed a risk to himself or others…

A Broker in Pillage (#1074)

This will continue until there are federal criminal charges for “officials”, both political and corporate, who conspire to rob people this way:

In Arizona, citizens can still lose their houses over minuscule tax bills, despite a unanimous 2023 Supreme Court ruling that was supposed to paralyze the practice nationwide…Christine Searle, a 70-year-old retiree, faces the loss of her home—valued at [$376,800]—over a mere $1,607.68 in back taxes…Maricopa County…[inflicted] a tax lien…on her home…then allowed [a] company [to] purchase…the lien [and] foreclose on her home, meaning Searle lost her home and all its equity…Arizona is not the only state that has permitted local governments to transfer tax liens…to [cron]ies.  In Nebraska, for example, private investors have been known to buy out tax debt without formal correspondence with the homeowner.  Once notified, those unable to satisfy their debt in full—plus interest and fees—have watched as the county treasurer gave the deed to their property away to the [legalized]…robb[er]…

Welcome to the Future (#1265)

Everything I read about modern corporate work makes me happier I became a whore:

Depending on where you work, there’s a significant chance that [computer algorithms are] analyzing your messages on…popular apps.  Huge U.S. employers such as Walmart, Delta Air Lines, T-Mobile, Chevron, and Starbucks, as well as European brands including Nestle and AstraZeneca, have turned to a seven-year-old startup, Aware, to [eavesdrop on] chatter among their [peons.  Their masters]…can see how employees of a certain age group or in a particular geography are responding to a new corporate policy or marketing campaign…[the software] can also identify bullying, harassment, discrimination, noncompliance, pornography, nudity and other behaviors…[yet supposedly] doesn’t have the ability to flag individual employee names…[except] in the event of [whatever the corporate client chooses to define as “]extreme threats or other risk behaviors[“]…

The Red Umbrella (#1327)

As long as sex work is marginalized, sex workers will be targeted for violence:

A St. Louis man [has been] charged…with shooting a sex worker at his residence…Norman B. Nelson…[shot the woman] around 3:18 a.m. on Jan. 22…[she] was taken to a hospital and listed in stable condition…

The Next Target (#1332)

Prohibitionist politicians’ real goal is total government control of the internet:

Belgium’s Superior Audiovisual Council (CSA) is [using censorious German politician Tobias Schmid’s KIVI tool to]…“automatically search…the Internet, looking for freely accessible pornography, among other things.”  Adult content is…automatically flagged by the system as “suspicious,” triggering human review…In addition to pornography, KIVI is also trained to detect categories like “extremism, hate speech, swastikas or the glorification of drugs”…in…images, texts and videos on all websites, as well as apps like “Telegram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok…VKontakte and…Bitchute”…With the Belgium partnership, Germany’s provincial regulatory authority from North Rhine-Westphalia is now on the road to becoming…“largely responsible for the introduction of a European porn detector”…Belgian authorities…[are also planning] “to expand the use of KIVI to cover hate speech”…

The Last Shall Be First (#1350) 

Both sides in the culture war have completely taken leave of their senses:

A new bill in Wyoming…would declare that gender-affirming care is “not in the best interest” of transgender youth within the state.  The bill would apply this presumption to custody battles, guardianships, and even the rules around Child Protective Services…A non-affirming parent who divorces an affirming parent could use the provisions to take a transgender child in a custody battle…A grandparent or relative who does not approve of a transgender youth’s gender transition could…[demand to] be appointed emergency guardian…Even worse, Child [“]Protective[“] Services could be weaponized against transgender youth in the state…

Creepy Coppers (#1397)

Some cops don’t limit themselves to one type of creepiness:

A Racine [Wisconsin cop] was arrested after [exposing himself to another man in a gas station bathroom, and when his fellow cops searched his phone they found]…videos of child pornography…Preston Kite…[contacted the other man on] the [gay hookup] app Sniffies…[but] he…was not expecting…to…see a [wanking pig] in full [magic clown regalia, and was therefore understandably]…scared [that this was a porcine scheme to ruin his life.  The man beat a hasty retreat] and…took a picture of the [pigmobile] parked [outside, which]…was [the one] assigned to Kite…


I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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The U.S. government should not be funding and legitimizing a shady industry whose flagrant violations of Americans’ privacy are not just unethical, but illegal.  –  Ron Wyden

A Broker in Pillage

There are many ways for governments to steal things that don’t belong to them:

Louisiana…judges, like most in the country, issue fines and fees.  In other states, the resulting revenue is allocated in ways that prevent judges from personally benefiting from the money they extract.  But…thanks to a court-funding system with its roots in…Jim Crow…a portion of the fines and fees issued by Louisiana judges go into a fund that the judges themselves control…in recent years judges…have used these…funds…to pay for expenses ranging from the staff salaries and law library subscriptions to luxury cars and rooms at the Ritz Carlton.  In 2019, a federal court ruled that [such] use…created a conflict of interest…[but] the two rulings…applied to…New Orleans…the unconstitutional practice…persists in nearly every other district court in the state.  The Louisiana Legislature knows it is unconstitutional…The judiciary knows it is unconstitutional, too…And yet years later, state law remains unchanged…

Dirty Amateurs (#980) 

Amateurs are a menace to public health; they should be licensed and heavily regulated:

The number of syphilis cases in the U.S…increased by nearly 80% to more than 207,000 between 2018 and 2022.  Rates increased among all age groups, including newborns, and in all regions of the country.  In 2022, 3,755 cases of babies born with syphilis in the U.S. were  reported, which reflects an alarming 937% increase in the past decade…reasons for the increase…includ[e “abstinence only” sex education,] increases in…risky sexual behavior, decrease in condom use, ongoing social and economic conditions and reduction in…STI…services at the state and local level…

Neither Addiction Nor Epidemic (#1186)

“Porn addiction” is still being used as an excuse for violent crimes:

A…man [in Solapur, India murder]ed his [14-year-old] son by forcing him to consume cold drinks laced with sodium nitrate…on January 13…Vijay Battu…was angry as his son was…poor at studies [and Battu blamed this on an imaginary “porn addiction”.  He confessed to poisoning him and dumping his body]…on the roadside…

The Last Shall Be First (#1350) 

The time, money, and energy our society is flushing down the “culture war” toilet is incalculable:

Transgender people in Florida could have their driver’s licenses revoked or face prosecution if they try to change their gender markers…Robert Kynoch, the [head DMV bureaucrat], issued a memo dated January 26 that said…”misrepresenting one’s gender, understood as sex, on a driver license constitutes fraud…and subjects an offender to criminal and civil penalties”…Kynoch [burbled at length about his beliefs regarding]…”innate and immutable biological and genetic characteristics”…and…”frustrat[ing] the state’s ability to enforce its laws”…Alejandra Caraballo, a civil rights attorney…who shared the memo on [Twitter], wrote…”if the language used in this directive is taken at face value, any trans person driving with a changed gender marker on their drivers license could be criminally charged with fraud…including tourists…This is a ‘show me your papers’ policy for trans people in the state of Florida”…

The Puritan Recrudescence (#1355)

There’s a reason I’ve repeatedly called this cult “dangerous”:

…many researchers and sex therapists worry that [anti-porn] online communities…often endorse inaccurate medical information, exacerbate mental health problems and, in some cases, overlap with extremist and hate groups…One of the central concepts in these communities is known as “nofap,” a…term [which] has come to encompass a set of unproven claims that not masturbating confers social and health benefits…While some figures in this space are [openly] religious, most frame their advice as science-based forms of self-improvement or as a cure for [the nonscientific concept of] pornography addiction…For those who believe [in it], the official NoFap LLC website suggests no masturbation for 90 days, during which the brain supposedly reboots like a computer.  Other claimed benefits of avoiding masturbation may include “superpowers”…

I Spy (#1381)

This has been going on for years, but the Times waited until they admitted it to say something:

The National Security Agency buys [“various types” of information about] Americans’ domestic internet activities from commercial data brokers, according to a…letter [issued] by the agency [under pressure from Senator Ron Wyden]…the revelation is the latest disclosure to bring to the fore [cop shops’ and spook houses’ abuse of a] legal [loophole by wholesale, warrantless]…purchase [of American citizens’]…data from brokers that would require a court order to acquire directly.  It comes as the Federal Trade Commission has started cracking down on companies that trade in personal location data…gathered from smartphone apps and sold without people’s knowledge and consent…

Stupor Bowl (#1392)

This type of article on the “super bowl sex trafficking” myth is no longer unusual:

This year’s Super Bowl takes place at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas…Nevada sex workers and their allies will be gathering at the stadium to protest Super Bowl sex stings and the myths that encourage them…This “Stop the Raids” coalition also held two days of workshops and community-building activities for sex workers over the past weekend…A decade ago, almost all reporting on “Super Bowl sex trafficking” seemed to be wholly credulous of law enforcement’s narrative.  From 2010 to 2016, 76 percent of U.S. print media stories on the subject “propagated the ‘Super Bowl sex trafficking’ narrative,” according to a 2019 paper published in the Anti-Trafficking Review.  Back in 2014—when Maggie McNeill challenged this narrative in Reason—questioning it was a pretty lonely perch.  In recent years, more outlets have been willing to push back against the official narrative, and pieces challenging it have appeared in such publications as Sports Illustrated, The Washington Post, Slate, Vice, and The Atlantic


I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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I’m on a mission I have to complete by year’s end.  –  Scott Allen Schultz

The Kroffts dominated Saturday morning TV for most of the ’70s; it seems appropriate to commemorate the passing of Marty Krofft with their first hit show.  For those of y’all too young to remember this: yes, psychedelic counterculture leaked into mainstream culture in many ways back then.  The links above it were provided by Desiree Alliance, Stephen Lemons, Franklin Harris, Phoenix Calida, Lucy Steigerwald, Radley Balko, and Popehat, in that order.

From the Archives

I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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I’ll kill this motherfucker.  –  Brian Williams

I’m sure most of my readers have seen any scene from Pee Wee’s Playhouse, Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, etc I might choose to memorialize Paul Reubens with, so instead I dug up the first thing I ever saw him in, which you probably haven’t seen unless you’re as old as I am or nearly so.  The links above the video were provided by Gustavo Turner; Radley Balko; David Ley; Brooke MagnantiFranklin Harris; Jesse Walker; Nun Ya; and David Ley again, in that order.

From the Archives

I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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We don’t even think about [masturbation] as relapsing, because…it’s not an addiction.  –  Nicole Prause

Show and Tell

Was this unfortunate person the one who sent me the proof of Ashley Madison’s con game?

Will Harrison was terminated as an Ashley Madison employee in November 2011, and by early 2012 he’d turned his considerable harassment skills squarely against the company.  Ashley Madison’s long-suspected army of fake female accounts came to the fore in August 2012 after the former sex worker turned activist and blogger Maggie McNeill published screenshots apparently taken from Ashley Madison’s internal systems suggesting that a large percentage of the female accounts on the service were computer-operated bots.  Ashley Madison’s executives understood that only a handful of employees at the time would have had access to the systems needed to produce the screenshots McNeill published online…on Mar. 5, 2014, Harrison committed suicide by shooting himself in the head…This fact was apparently unknown to Biderman and other Ashley Madison executives more than a year later when their July 2015 hack was first revealed

To Molest and Rape

A cop posing as a masseur is still a cop:

A [typical and representative Ontario cop] who admitted to sexually abusing 11 women at his side massage business [has escaped with a slap on the wrist, namely] an 18-month sentence at home.  David Kukoly…was not a registered massage therapist but still operated his “Massage by Dave” business from his…home using a different last name.  Under the pre[text] of providing massages, he [molest]ed 11 women…between 2016 and 2018…[but] Justice Richard Blouin…decided against the Crown’s request for a four-year prison sentence…[and gave the budding rapist a mere] year and a half of house arrest [because cop]…

The reporter inserts “was not a registered massage therapist” as though a piece of paper could magically control sexual predators despite considerable evidence to the contrary.

The Puritan Recrudescence (#1124)

There’s a reason I’ve repeatedly called this cult “dangerous”:

…NoFap ideology tends to breed much bigger problems…suicidal feelings [are associated with] more engagement in the NoFap subreddit and related communities, and the more involved a participant [i]s with NoFap and other groups like PornFree, the more suicidal they report…feeling in response to their last relapse.  One problem with this—beyond the obvious— is that their “relapses” aren’t…real to begin with…because…people who masturbate to porn…aren’t actually “addicted” to it at all…there’s no objective basis for pornography addiction, an opinion supported by numerous peer-reviewed studies and experts in the field.  That isn’t to say that people can’t use pornography compulsively…but that it doesn’t fit in with the very clearly defined scientific idea of addiction, which involves a physiological withdrawal and a loss of pleasure in other activities…

Disaster (#1276)

Unfortunately, this is all we could expect right now:

The District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals…upheld the district court’s judgment against the Woodhull Freedom Foundation in its four-year legal battle to have FOSTA-SESTA declared unconstitutional, and rejected the strict scrutiny challenge proposed by free speech advocates.  Woodhull…was joined in the appeal by Human Rights Watch, the Internet Archive, Alex Andrews and Eric Koszyk…in January…legal observers…deemed the judges’ line of questioning as leaning toward the possibility of at least part of FOSTA-SESTA being struck down [but]…their new ruling…[declare]s that “neither Section 2421A of FOSTA nor FOSTA’s amendments to the Trafficking Act are overbroad or unconstitutionally vague,” [and] that “FOSTA’s c[ensorship]…comports with the First Amendment [because “sex trafficking”]…

Surplus Women (#1294)

Mexican cops are more concerned about sex workers’ lives than their US counterparts are:

A…suspected serial killer who targeted sex workers in Mexico has been arrested in Southern California…Mexican authorities are working to extradite…Bryan Rivera…of Downey, California who is believed to be responsible for the deaths of three sex workers in Tijuana…in 2022…

Thought Control (#1343)

Politicians are avid devotees of cutting off their noses to spite their faces:

Mississippi has a new law on the books [which effectively bans]…use of digital resources…for those under the age of 18…Even if granted parental permission, minors may not have materials available to them, if vendors do not ensure every item within their offerings meets the new, wide-reaching [political] definition of “obscenity”…[which states] any vendor is out of compliance by simply having materials available in their system which depict sexual reproduction or queerness in any capacity.  Images of nude female breasts…[even in] biology and anatomy books…would be out of compliance with the law.  Platforms like Hoopla and Overdrive are not set up to create systems which change access based on [politicians’ whims].  Library staff are also unable to preview and rate every item available within such platforms, leading to a position [where libraries must completely] shut down access [in order to protect librarians from legal persecution]…

Panopticon (#1344)

Cops will continue to do this until there are criminal penalties for it:

…The Electronic Frontier Foundation…has sent [Sacramento County Sheriff] Cooper a letter requesting that [his] Office cease sharing ALPR data with out-of-state agencies that could use it to prosecute someone for seeking an abortion…the…office…has shared license plate reader data with [cop shops] in states that have passed laws banning abortion, including Alabama, Oklahoma and Texas.  Adam Schwartz, EFF senior staff attorney, called automated license plate readers “a growing threat to everyone’s privacy”…and…a sheriff in Texas, Idaho or any other state with an abortion ban on the books could use that data to track people’s movements around California, knowing where they live, where they work and where they seek…medical care…71 [cop shops] in 22 California counties…[a]re sharing such data…in [direct] violation of a 2015 law [banning the practice]…


I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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I can’t even breathe.  –  Neal Saunders

This seemed like the right song to memorialize composer Ned Rorem, especially since it’s also seasonally appropriate.  The links above it were provided by Mike Siegel; Dave Crisp; Jesse Walker, Franklin Harris, & Dan Savage; Cop Crisis (x2); and Carol Fenton, in that order.

From the Archives

I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource I just can’t bring myself to install one.  Furthermore, I find ad delivery services (whose content I have no say over) even more distasteful.  But as I’m now semi-retired from sex work, I can’t self-sponsor this blog by myself any longer.  So if you value my writing enough that you would pay to see it if it were paywalled, please consider subscribing; there are four different levels to fit all budgets.  Or if that doesn’t work for you, please consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can Paypal to maggiemcneill@earthlink.net or else email me at the same address to make other arrangements.  Thanks so much!

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One obvious hole in the…[“drug treat” legend] is that drugs tend to cost more than candy.  –  Joel Best

King of the Hill

The first “King of the Hill” claim I’ve seen in almost three years:

 [A rescue industry group called] Reflection Ministries hosted [a propaganda session it labeled a “]human trafficking summit[“, in which professional “]survivors[” claimed] the Permian Basin is in the top five areas for most trafficked individuals throughout the United States…

The Permian Basin is a largely-rural area of West Texas; its only sizeable population cluster is the Midland-Odessa SMSE, with a total population of 320,513 over an area of 2,720 sq mi (118/sq mi, approximately the state average for Texas).  Click on the link for other cities & states claiming to be in the “top five”.

Buried Truth

Not a specific McNeill’s Law case, but adjacent:

A GOP candidate running for an Arizona college district’s governing board was arrested on a charge of public sexual indecency after a…[fellow cop] caught him masturbating in his truck near a preschool. Randy Kaufman was…[a screw] for 27 years…[and claimed] he didn’t know there was a preschool just feet away…In a Facebook post from May, Kaufman said he wanted “our children protected [from] the progressive left”…

Prudesville (#1012) 

Not an especially satisfactory resolution:

…Everett, Washington…passed a law prohibiting quick service food and drink peddlers from showing off certain body parts…The city didn’t even pretend to tie the law to food safety, instead c[laiming that “women who dress like sluts cause rape”]…A group of bikini baristas working suedcalling it a matter of women’s rights…the law…[also invent]ed a new crime of facilitating lewd conduct, to target the owners of bikini barista establishments…Now, a judge has finally ruled…that Everett’s dress code is unconstitutional because it violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.  [Judge Ricardo] Martinez rejected the baristas’ argument that the dress code violated their right to free expression.  And he let stand the city’s expanded definition of lewd conduct and criminalization [thereof, claiming]…that [stopping women from making money in ways politicians dislike]…is…an important government interest…

Pyrrhic Victory (#1248) 

Frogs, meet scorpion:

A China-based team at TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, planned to use the TikTok app to monitor the personal location of some specific American citizens…The team primarily conducts investigations into potential misconduct by current and former ByteDance employees.  But in at least two cases, the Internal Audit team also planned to collect TikTok data about the location of a U.S. citizen who had never had an employment relationship with the company…it is unclear from the [leaked] materials whether data about these Americans was actually collected; however, the plan was for a Beijing-based ByteDance team to obtain location data…in…[order] to surveil individual American citizens, not to target ads or any…other purpose…

To Molest and Rape (Rapist Roundup)

“Police explorer” programs are nothing but grooming schemes for predatory cops:

A 17-year-old in Florida was part of a [grooming] program for [predatory cops, yet somehow everyone was shocked when]…a [cop] sexually abused [her]…Matthew Allen Anderson…is charged with sexual battery…

To Molest and Rape (#1278)

I’m sure if they really “investigate”, they’ll find multiple underage victims:

An investigation is underway [because a typical and representative Houston cop]…sexually assault[ed] a child…Paul Fernandez has not been charged but was terminated from his role…supervising Internal Affairs investigations…

Unsafe for Human Consumption (#1282)

The stupider the belief, the harder it is to debunk:

…TSA agents [recently] discovered around 12,000 fentanyl pills in a passenger’s carry-on bag…smuggled in boxes and packaging of well-known candy brands, like Whoppers, Skittles, and SweeTarts.  [Cops and bureaucrats] quickly seized this detail as a reason to warn parents to be on the lookout for fentanyl pills in their children’s Halloween candy…Even though the pills seized during this week’s drug bust at the L.A. airport were all light blue, the fact that they were smuggled in candy boxes has allowed government officials and the media to piggyback on recent “rainbow fentanyl” fearmongering… “Stories about contaminated treats are best understood as contemporary legends,” writes Joel Best, a prominent researcher of “Halloween sadism…My data goes back to 1958, and…I can’t find any evidence that any child has ever been killed or seriously injured by a contaminated treat picked up in the course of trick-or-treating”…


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